Archived: How to open my NAT
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: How to open my NAT
01/30/10 4:41 pm | #2
You connect to Xbox Live through your phone? If that's the case I would suggest you get a real ISP and a router.
Re: How to open my NAT
01/31/10 2:54 am | #4
It would be quite difficult to get an open NAT if you are in fact connecting to XBL through tethering. Your NAT is affected by your router, mainly, and if the ports XBL uses specifically are open or not. Since your cell phone company is actually acting as a router, there is not a whole lote of settings you can change to open said ports up. If I come across anything different, I'll let you know.
Re: Re: How to open my NAT
01/31/10 7:03 am | #5
Quote by xX MEX ICON Xx:
the internet i get is the fastest that i will get where i live...and i do have a real ISP its just Tethering...Internet Throught the phone AT&T, satellite will only take me to 1.5 Megs for 79.99$ with hundred of MS of lag while my phone only has about 100MS of lag is 2 Megs and is free (not including my unlimited data plan 20$) i think my speed is fine considering ive downloaded about 90 Gigs these past 2 weeks
Damn, that's insane, I've had my iPhone for like 2 years and only downloaded like 2 and half gigs...
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