Archived: Medal of Honor release Party
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:13 pm | #1
I was just curious how many people are going to a game stop or other gaming store for the Medal of Honor release party tonight at midnight.
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:26 pm | #4
I want it, but also can't afford it right now
maybe a birthday gift!

Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:33 pm | #5
imma pass saw some ame play from a friend at gamestop story mode is awsome but multiplayer is a bust for me its bfbdco 2 all over again but with motar strike kill streak rewards ill pick this game up later down the line not a launch title must have for me nov 9th cod blk ops and there bringing party chat to team dm
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:35 pm | #6
I'll be there tonight picking up my copy
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:49 pm | #7
ill be there...working...not picking it up unfortunately

Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 3:57 pm | #8
I plan on a rent, with a free coupon i have.
I'm only looking forward to the story, it looks Amazing from what i have seen in the Videos.
I'll give the online a shot, but what i have heard, its bug filled and laggy.
I'm only looking forward to the story, it looks Amazing from what i have seen in the Videos.
I'll give the online a shot, but what i have heard, its bug filled and laggy.
Re: Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 4:17 pm | #9
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
I plan on a rent, with a free coupon i have.
I'm only looking forward to the story, it looks Amazing from what i have seen in the Videos.
I'll give the online a shot, but what i have heard, its bug filled and laggy.
I'm only looking forward to the story, it looks Amazing from what i have seen in the Videos.
I'll give the online a shot, but what i have heard, its bug filled and laggy.
If you are referring to the beta being buggy & laggy thats why they have betas to fix those problems (which activision keeps neglecting to do for thier games). If you know someone who got an early copy and it's still buggy then that would suck.
That being said I'm picking mine up too much shit to do before then but let me know how it is.
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 4:26 pm | #10
I wish I could go but I will be coming home from Jamaica at that time
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 4:48 pm | #11
Question :
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
Re: Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 4:51 pm | #12
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Question :
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
all ea games need an online code its been confirmed in other forums since the game has been leaked online i think its 800msp hope its cheaper cause im not tryin to buy this game.i also heard it sucks even though i played the beta lol well see
Re: Re: Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 4:55 pm | #13
Quote by cmp2005:
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Question :
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
I'm considering renting this game but I was just wondering if ill have to buy a code to play multiplayer?
all ea games need an online code its been confirmed in other forums since the game has been leaked online i think its 800msp hope its cheaper cause im not tryin to buy this game.i also heard it sucks even though i played the beta lol well see
How long does MP code last till? week or month
Re: Re: Re: Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 5:04 pm | #14
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Quote by cmp2005:
all ea games need an online code its been confirmed in other forums since the game has been leaked online i think its 800msp hope its cheaper cause im not tryin to buy this game.i also heard it sucks even though i played the beta lol well see
How long does MP code last till? week or month
usually its stays for as long as u got that profile so like forever lol
still sucks if they want to compete with call of duty make it free online but then again battlefield bad company 2 had the vip code also
Re: Medal of Honor release Party
10/11/10 5:58 pm | #15
The VIP code for Battlefield also gave you all future map packs for free so if you did have to pay 800 points for it, not that big of a deal in my opinion. Also if you didnt have the code you sould still play online just with limited maps.