Archived: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
Posted Under: Gaming
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does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/11/10 10:04 pm | #1
I just wanted to know if anyone think it cool cuase I was going to get it cuase my friend let me barrow it.
Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/11/10 10:21 pm | #2
Red Faction is a beast at multi-player, but I don't play it, because I wrapped it as a Christmas gift for someone................ I still have it.
Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/11/10 10:36 pm | #4
Ill play, but my FL is full
Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/11/10 10:47 pm | #5
I played back when I had the game a month or so ago. Online got boring fast, everyone sucked...
Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/12/10 8:05 am | #6
I will play anytime you want, add me on xbox live!
Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/12/10 9:34 am | #7
I just picked it up (it's on its way from Amazon) so I might be online sometimes

Re: does anyone play red faction gurila anymore?
02/12/10 11:12 am | #9
its dead? hmm I may pick this up now!
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