Archived: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
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XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 1:55 am | #1
What do people think about all platforms being able to go up against eachother? Also to see which platform has the more dominant gamers?
Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 10:28 pm | #2
honestly, i've always been interested in a feature that allows cross platform multiplayer. ex:
of course, there should be an option whether players would want to be pitted against players from other platforms due to people who will complain about how one platform's controls are superior/inferior over the other.
i'm not a genius when it comes to this stuff so i have no clue how hard it would be to make this happen
of course, there should be an option whether players would want to be pitted against players from other platforms due to people who will complain about how one platform's controls are superior/inferior over the other.
i'm not a genius when it comes to this stuff so i have no clue how hard it would be to make this happen
Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 10:39 pm | #4
I've never played a shooter on PC, but the story that I've always gotten is that PC players would not get beaten if they were to play against console gamers. Point and click control is far too precise to compete with. Also PCs are too powerful and lag significantly less than consoles. In head to head, I would say PC gamers have the advantage.
Re: Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 10:45 pm | #6
Quote by animefr33k:
Why hasn't Shadowrun been mentioned?
Because we have decided to never speak of that game again!

Re: Re: Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 10:49 pm | #7
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by animefr33k:
Why hasn't Shadowrun been mentioned?
Because we have decided to never speak of that game again!

What a crap game... People who played on the PC are almost unkillable!
Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 10:49 pm | #8
Shooter-wise PC's have better graphics, which gives a slight advantages.
Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 11:49 pm | #9
wtf does graphics have to do with advantage xD!????...its like saying i can step on a goomba just because i can see his mustache hes growing to be like mario
Re: Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/14/10 11:52 pm | #10
Quote by da mexicon:
wtf does graphics have to do with advantage xD!????...its like saying i can step on a goomba just because i can see his mustache hes growing to be like mario
Well if a game's graphics aren't clear enough, it can make it tough to discern body parts from each other. It's tough to drop someone with a headshot if you can't tell what part of them is actually their head.
Re: Re: Re: XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3
02/15/10 8:56 am | #11
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by da mexicon:
wtf does graphics have to do with advantage xD!????...its like saying i can step on a goomba just because i can see his mustache hes growing to be like mario
Well if a game's graphics aren't clear enough, it can make it tough to discern body parts from each other. It's tough to drop someone with a headshot if you can't tell what part of them is actually their head.
but im pretty sure M$ would not sell a game without good enough graphics on settings all the way low, to tell which part of the body the head is....then again it is M$

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