Now its on to either Dragon Age or Battlefield Bad Company 2, i can't decide which to play!
Archived: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
Posted Under: Gaming
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Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/05/10 10:51 pm | #1
Finally there, and almost a month before my target date of 4/1/10.
Now its on to either Dragon Age or Battlefield Bad Company 2, i can't decide which to play!
Now its on to either Dragon Age or Battlefield Bad Company 2, i can't decide which to play!
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/05/10 10:59 pm | #2
Battlefield. Nothing else to be said.
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/05/10 11:05 pm | #3
whoops...i guess its a silver waffle, my bad guess the gold is for a 150K
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/05/10 11:06 pm | #4
Dragon Age was GARB!
Congrats though, I know I gave you a couple 1,000gs in trades
Congrats though, I know I gave you a couple 1,000gs in trades

Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/06/10 12:15 am | #5
Congrats dude
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/06/10 1:07 am | #6
Grats man
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/06/10 1:54 am | #7
Gratz im only creeping up on the burnt 1
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/06/10 4:35 am | #8
Congrats on 100K and shiny new silver waffle.
Re: Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW!
03/13/10 11:54 am | #9
I should be getting one soon.
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