Closed: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
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PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 4:37 pm | #1
im tired of random assholes who think they know gaming coming up to me and saying, "hay have you heard about the ps4 or the 720?" its starting to piss me off
they need to learn there is a word called "RUMORS" agree?

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:20 pm | #2
You seem to hate random assholes, yet your comment is random itself.
Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:24 pm | #3
Quote by Bullets Chase:
You seem to hate random assholes, yet your comment is random itself.
(insert 'oh snap' picture here)
Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:25 pm | #4
even satans testicle agrees.
Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:42 pm | #5
alright asshole. dont push me. same goes for you canadian.
Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:46 pm | #6
I agree, it really does torque me the wrong way when I'm talking gaming with someone and a random person pipes up with unsubstantiated "hey, didja know the next Playstation is gonna have blahblahblahnofuckingideawhati'mtalkingabout?"
But still:
But still:

Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:49 pm | #8
Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:52 pm | #9
Quote by Meta:
I agree, it really does torque me the wrong way when I'm talking gaming with someone and a random person pipes up with unsubstantiated "hey, didja know the next Playstation is gonna have blahblahblahnofuckingideawhati'mtalkingabout?"
ah, i can always count on meta to know what im talking about.

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 5:59 pm | #10
The correct term is: an Xbox 720
Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 6:24 pm | #11
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
The correct term is: an Xbox 720
Technically no, you only use 'an' when the following word starts with a vowel, just because it sounds like 'X' starts with an 'E' doesn't mean you need to use 'an'.
Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 6:45 pm | #12
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
The correct term is: an Xbox 720