Archived: What Book are You Reading Right Now?
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Quote by U7ysses S Gr4nt:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I just finished that book lol. I thought it was really good and I ended up giving it a 9/10. Timothy Zahn is my favorite Star Wars author and once again he doesn't disappoint.
I'm currently reading: Star Wars Razor's Edge: Empire and Rebellion. I'm only a chapter into it so I can't really say if it's good or bad yet.
I'm actually considering reading Zahn's Thrawn series after I finish Scoundrels. Any thoughts on it? What about the Plagueis book? It's on my short list to read, too.
The Thrawn trilogy is damn good. Probably one if not the best trilogy that has been written in the Star Wars series. Also you must read (if you haven't already) Outbound Flight & Survivors Quest. Both from Timothy Zahn. I read each of them in one sitting (not back to back though). I couldn't put them down. I read Survivor's Quest first, then Outbound Flight.
Outbound Flight is the prequel to Survivor's Quest, but you don't have to read them in that order.
I have tried reading Plagueis 3 times now and I keep putting it down. Maybe it was because I wasn't in a reading mood or it might just have been boring lol. I don't remember.
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Quote by U7ysses S Gr4nt:
I'm actually considering reading Zahn's Thrawn series after I finish Scoundrels. Any thoughts on it? What about the Plagueis book? It's on my short list to read, too.
The Thrawn trilogy is damn good. Probably one if not the best trilogy that has been written in the Star Wars series.
Definitely this. You're in for a treat.
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Great book and great mini-series!
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Great book and great mini-series!
I enjoyed the miniseries, so I bought the book. I can already see much was cut for the show and they now want to make it a movie! I can't understand how the Hobbit gets an unnecessary trilogy, but The Stand doesn't get the trilogy it needs!
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Quote by Meta:
Quote by APOPHIS1989:
Hit with THE banhammer, I don't underSTAND!
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Welcome to being one of the 99%
Winter is coming.
Quote by Apophis1989:
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
Stephen King's writing style is good to the point that even when the main story is not something I care about at all it still makes for a great read. Michael Crichton was the same way, IMO.
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