Archived: Gamestop
Posted Under: Gaming
09/21/10 4:17 pm | #1
I have a small, well major complaint about gamestop! I have been hoping over the last five years that a F1 game would be released on the 360 and finally about a year ago Codemasters began development of F1 2010, and I was like fuck yeah it's about time! So as soon as the release date was set sometime in July I went down to my local gamestop and put 10 bucks down, date still set for the 21st of September, today! So last week I went back to gamestop cuz I had a little extra money set aside and paid the game off in full. And they still said the game would be release in strores on the 21st, today! I called last night and they said it would be in today. I called this morning around 10 when they opened to see if they had my copy, they said that the shipment hadn't arrived yet to call back at 12:30ish, so I did and they told me that the game wouldn't be in until tomorrow, the 22nd! So I was pissed off all day because I was gonna take the afternoon off. So I just checked the site and the site now says shipped on the 22nd. Now my question to anyone who even bothers to read this, Does that mean I can get the game tomorrow or will I have to wait until Thursday? I begging for answers, gamestop doesn't have any. I've been waiting for 9 years for a new F1 game to come out! Help me!!!

Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 4:21 pm | #2
Quote by mayoman69:
I've been waiting for 9 years for a new F1 game to come out! Help me!!! 

So what's a couple of days more?
Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 4:22 pm | #3
i was bummed too today
i have to wait till thursday :/

Re: Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 9:35 pm | #4
Quote by Antwan:
i was bummed too today
i have to wait till thursday :/

Yeah it sucks bad! I am so looking forward to this game it's not funny! It's not fair what gamestop did to me...Oh well, soon it will be here and I'll be playing it like crazy!
Re: Re: Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 9:39 pm | #5
Quote by mayoman69:
Quote by Antwan:
i was bummed too today
i have to wait till thursday :/

Yeah it sucks bad! I am so looking forward to this game it's not funny! It's not fair what gamestop did to me...Oh well, soon it will be here and I'll be playing it like crazy!
can't wait till i play with the British and French players, I'd good memories with them playing Grid online

Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 9:53 pm | #6
How is it gamestops fault? Did you think maybe natural acts of god, or the developers are to blame? Probably not.... :/
S#!t gets delayed, deal with it, part of being a gamer. Oh, and Duke Nukem Forever. Enough said. Don't whine just wait a few days....
S#!t gets delayed, deal with it, part of being a gamer. Oh, and Duke Nukem Forever. Enough said. Don't whine just wait a few days....
Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 10:12 pm | #8
my gamestop (the one I work at) has them in stock
Re: Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 10:46 pm | #9
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
my gamestop (the one I work at) has them in stock
That's funny, I didn't get a picture txt of you holding them...
Re: Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 11:11 pm | #10
Quote by KnuckPuck:
Its not gamestops fault they dont make the game. Stop hatting.
Yeah... Stupid HATTERS. Makes me MAD.
Re: Gamestop
09/21/10 11:12 pm | #11
F1 2010, is that some kind of sports game? never mind. Racing.
Re: Re: Re: Gamestop
09/22/10 2:57 am | #12
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
my gamestop (the one I work at) has them in stock

Re: Gamestop
09/22/10 8:09 am | #13
This isn't that uncommon for games that aren't major releases. I worked at a Game Crazy before it went out of business and we would sometimes get games on Friday instead of the Tuesday they were released just because it wasn't a high priority or the manufacturers just sent it late. There really isn't anything that Gamestop van do in that situation but say "sorry dude".
Re: Re: Re: Gamestop
09/22/10 11:49 am | #15
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
my gamestop (the one I work at) has them in stock
That's funny, I didn't get a picture txt of you holding them...
imma send you a picture of me holding something...