Closed: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
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How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:12 pm | #1
I myself am totally geeked out. I think I watched the multiplayer video a dozen times to see if there was anything I may have missed the previous times I watched it. I've been keeping a close eye on for new news and just can't get enough. What's your input?
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:37 pm | #2
I kinda am. I still love Halo 3, but not a complete fanatic about Halo. I'm excited to see what it will be like. Graphics, storyline, guns, etc. Ooooooh man.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:38 pm | #3
Not as excited as I was for Halo 3, It seems every year you gets older, things get less exciting

Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:44 pm | #4
Quote by Sean:
Not as excited as I was for Halo 3, It seems every year you gets older, things get less exciting 

You gets older? lol
IDK Reach looks pretty cool to me on a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 9.3/10

Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:45 pm | #5
The last game I was that excited about was MW2 and COD 4 and originally Halo 3. 
I'm semi excited.. Lol

I'm semi excited.. Lol
Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
04/06/10 8:52 pm | #6
Quote by Sean:
Not as excited as I was for Halo 3, It seems every year you gets older, things get less exciting 

Ain't that the truth, just wait until your in your 20's...
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 8:56 pm | #8
Just opened up my copy of Game Informer and it had a nice special on Halo Reach. Now I really feel like a kid waiting for Christmas day to come.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 9:03 pm | #9
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
Ain't that the truth, just wait until your in your 20's...
Wait til you're 30. I might as well be dead now.

HAHAHA Laughing my F'ing A$$ Off. thats gotta be the truth. The only reason im excited about reach is beacuse of forge world. other than that its like watching black and white movies. LAME!!!!!!! I do feel like im losing my gamer touch. im only 23 and Its hard to impress me with games anymore. the only game I can truly say I had fun playing is probably The Darkness. oh and I play GTA 4 all the time. oh wait sorry this thread is about halo reach. uh yeah Its gonna be great (yawn). see you guys there. lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 9:08 pm | #10
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
Ain't that the truth, just wait until your in your 20's...
Wait til you're 30. I might as well be dead now.

Damn, I'm 30. Feels like I'm just hitting my stride. I'm in my prime baby.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 9:44 pm | #12
Your damn right it will be. I like the way Bungie is going with this game.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 9:57 pm | #13
How excited am I about Halo Reach? I don't know, FPS games are so 90's. I can't even remember the last time I played one which I bet was 2 months ago. I don't even take advantage of my 12 month gold membership that often.
I'm more into something new and original, not playing the same stuff over and over.
I'm more into something new and original, not playing the same stuff over and over.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 10:02 pm | #14
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
Ain't that the truth, just wait until your in your 20's...
Wait til you're 30. I might as well be dead now.

Try 40.
OT - I am NOT excited at all about Reach. Frankly, I am done with the Halo series and Bungie.
Re: How excited are you about Halo: Reach?
08/11/10 10:06 pm | #15
Im as excited for this as I am to have constipation or explosive diarrhea...