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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
02/18/19 7:06 am | #3496
Metro Exodus is pretty great so far. It was a bold move to make the game semi-open world and to have so much more outdoor stuff, but I feel like it worked well. They've managed to further refine and streamline everything in their engine without sacrificing the immersion (still have to wipe crap off your gas mask, swap filters, charge flashlight battery, guns jam, etc).
That being said, this game is a bit buggy, and I have run into a game-ending glitch. Frustrating! Also, the Russian accents still sound fakey.
+edit+ also, DeWayne's mom is a guild wars.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/18/19 7:49 am | #3497
Quote by Meta:
Metro Exodus is pretty great so far. It was a bold move to make the game semi-open world and to have so much more outdoor stuff, but I feel like it worked well. They've managed to further refine and streamline everything in their engine without sacrificing the immersion (still have to wipe crap off your gas mask, swap filters, charge flashlight battery, guns jam, etc).
That being said, this game is a bit buggy, and I have run into a game-ending glitch. Frustrating! Also, the Russian accents still sound fakey.
+edit+ also, DeWayne's mom is a guild wars.
I thought we agreed to keep that on the DL?
I think I might try Metro Exodus after I finish AC Odyssey.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/19/19 1:34 am | #3498
Quote by DeWayne:
Dont forget Guild Wars this week
Wasn’t that last week?
Re: Random Gaming
02/25/19 8:24 am | #3499
Anthem is great. It's a lush, triple-A upgrade to the cooperative multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition.
The story is interesting and the characters are back up to good BioWare quality. The customization is deep and satisfying, in terms of both aesthetic & functionality.
The "critical" reviews keep trying to put it in the same box as Destiny and the Division but it's not that. There are bugs and glitches but they have already patched up a lot of them.
Also, if the whole exosuit-flying-through-alien planet concept appeals to you but you are antisocial, you can do everything solo.
+edit+ it's in Redbox if you want to try it for yourself.
Re: Random Gaming
02/25/19 3:45 pm | #3500
Meta, I keep hearing bad things about Anthem - Repetitive, same landscape, missions are basically all fetch quests and the town is boring. I also heard it's a ME MP upgrade, but I am single player focused.... =(
Re: Re: Random Gaming
02/25/19 7:46 pm | #3501
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Meta, I keep hearing bad things about Anthem - Repetitive, same landscape, missions are basically all fetch quests and the town is boring. I also heard it's a ME MP upgrade, but I am single player focused.... =(
All that stuff you're hearing is the "I was given a copy so I played it for 6 hours and then my ADHD kicked in".
You can do everything except "freeplay" solo. Even in freeplay, you can completely ignore the other people in the session.
But overall, I wouldn't recommend a buy if you refuse to play with other people.
Re: Random Gaming
02/26/19 7:37 pm | #3502
I figured i'd check in after a few years to discuss how disgusted I am with Anthem. After Fallout 76 I figured another big publisher would surely heed that cautionary tale of lying to everyone and releasing a dumpster fire of glitches and lost potential. I was mistaken.
Apex Legends on the other hand is excellent.
Re: Random Gaming
03/07/19 10:14 am | #3503
The free adventure time game is a fun and easy 1k.
Re: Random Gaming
03/12/19 7:27 am | #3504
Black Desert Online is a fun mmo experience on consoles. The systems at play are surprisingly depthy, and I can't get enough of the real time, combo-based combat. The character creator is great with all the modifications you can do but the lack of races/classes/genders kinda sucks. More classes are coming (patched in, not $dlc) as per the PC version.
They made a dick move by saying the $30 version was "standard edition" when the actual game is $10; at the same time, I'm glad it's not f2p like Tera because this keeps out a lot of annoying aspects.
Also unlike Tera, BDO's entire game world shows attention to detail, not just in the character creator.
Highly recommended to fans of console mmorpgs, ESO, Tera, Phantasy Star, FF11 & 14, WoW etc. BDO is a Korean mmo so don't expect a WoW clone.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
03/12/19 7:42 am | #3505
Quote by Moo Lissa:
The free adventure time game is a fun and easy 1k.
Anything related to that show needs to be doused with gasoline and set ablaze!
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
03/12/19 10:52 pm | #3506
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
The free adventure time game is a fun and easy 1k.
Anything related to that show needs to be doused with gasoline and set ablaze!
Nah. I love that show.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
03/13/19 12:51 am | #3507
Quote by Meta:
Black Desert Online is a fun mmo experience on consoles. The systems at play are surprisingly depthy, and I can't get enough of the real time, combo-based combat. The character creator is great with all the modifications you can do but the lack of races/classes/genders kinda sucks. More classes are coming (patched in, not $dlc) as per the PC version.
They made a dick move by saying the $30 version was "standard edition" when the actual game is $10; at the same time, I'm glad it's not f2p like Tera because this keeps out a lot of annoying aspects.
Also unlike Tera, BDO's entire game world shows attention to detail, not just in the character creator.
Highly recommended to fans of console mmorpgs, ESO, Tera, Phantasy Star, FF11 & 14, WoW etc. BDO is a Korean mmo so don't expect a WoW clone.
I still think Tera is slightly better but I highly recommend BDO.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
03/13/19 2:27 pm | #3508
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by Xandler:
Anything related to that show needs to be doused with gasoline and set ablaze!
Nah. I love that show.
You're entitled to your opinion....no matter how wrong it is.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
03/17/19 8:31 pm | #3509
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Nah. I love that show.
You're entitled to your opinion....no matter how wrong it is.

To be fair, she said she loved the show, not necessarily that it's great...
...but it is great! Marceline is my internet girlfriend that I creepily cyberstalk. 
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
I still think Tera is slightly better but I highly recommend BDO.
Haze! It's sweet to see you checking in. Have you played Skyforge? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
BTW, even though I'm enjoying the hell out of Anthem, I don't disagree with most of what you said. The development time and pedigree should've had a far better showing than what released.
After reading various other places I've realized that my 1X and wizard internet made a bigger difference than I assumed. PS4 players and a lot of standard XBO users are/were having tons of issues I didn't experience, and for whatever reason some of the glitches & bugs I encounter rarely are very frequent for some users.
I feel like BioWare is pushing the "current gen" of consoles too hard as well as the Frostbite engine running it -- but obviously their publisher overlords wouldn't want to spring for a different or new, proprietary one given that they've already blown through 6 years and who knows how many billions of dollars.
Re: Random Gaming
03/23/19 10:30 am | #3510
On sale this week $4.00
Easy completion less than 1 hour
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