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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/27/18 10:55 pm | #3451
Quote by Meta:
...I believe you can just put the 360 disc in to your xbone and it will read it then download the digital BC version...
+edit+ if you already owned the digital version then call em
That's what I read when I tried google for dummies, will that transfer all my DLC too or...do I have to re-purchase that?
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/28/18 9:31 pm | #3452
Okay so I've been playing NieR: Automata, freaking great game. Roughly 16 hours for main playthrough, but it's meant to be played multiple times -- to see all the main stuff you need to do 3, which I did, and was at about 36 hours. It has 27 endings total, but many are quick "throwaway" endings and all allow NG+, so I was at 8 endings total whenever I got the last "big" ending.
After shooting through all the credits (literally, it becomes a mini twin stick shooter) I got to a point where the game started asking weird questions. It eventually got to a point where it said I could help some struggling gamer somewhere but it would require deleting all my information. Now, I've seen other games joke about this before, so I figured ok I'll do it. It kept asking me if I was sure and I said yes, and, well... it really did delete all 3 of my saves and all my data.
This was my fault and I can't be mad, but the problem is, after getting the 3rd real ending it opens up an in-game store where you can "buy" the other endings and any missing achievements with in-game funds (which are easy to acquire) which I was going to use, but I didn't because like an idiot I told it multiple times that it was ok to delete my data.
LUCKILY this has become one of the best games I've ever played so I can enjoy playing through it a couple more times. I'd be much angrier if 2B and A2 weren't such cool & sexy protagonists. 
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Meta:
...I believe you can just put the 360 disc in to your xbone and it will read it then download the digital BC version...
+edit+ if you already owned the digital version then call em
That's what I read when I tried google for dummies, will that transfer all my DLC too or...do I have to re-purchase that?
It should all transfer, yes. On the DA2 tile on your xb1, hit start then go to manage game & add-ons, then install all.
Re: Random Gaming
12/29/18 4:27 pm | #3453
I have been playing Wolfenstein the New Order for the past several days and it has been fun but that game needs a few tweeks. From what I understand a host of items I didn't like about this game have been updated in the next game, Wolfenstein the New Colossus, so I will withhold my judgement for the time being.
There are 2 items I really found to be rather disagreeable throughout the game while I was chasing achievements and collectables that I am not sure if they are addressed in the ensuing game that I would like to point out - skippable cutscenes should be mandatory and a few different drop-in points in a chapter and not having to play the ENTIRE chapter to get to one point 2/3's of the way through the chapter for a collectable, would really REALLY help.
Overall, the the story was excellent, the colors were well thought out and the textures were rarely clashing with the model they were assigned to. I fell through the floor only twice the entire time I was playing the game, which in today's market place (I am looking at you Fallout 76!), twice out of 40+ hours, is amazing. The gameplay was excellent and the varied locations are well done, perhaps a little far fetched, but I am playing a video game to be entertained and I was very entertained by this title.
8/10 stars - I am looking forward to playing the next one but not right now....overload is a bad thing
Re: Random Gaming
12/30/18 12:48 am | #3454
So....I really dislike playing Dragon Age 2 on the Xbox One. I figured it would be a little better gaming experience. Played it yesterday for a couple hours at most and it froze at least 4 times in a 2 hour span, really frigging aggravating. Played it this evening for a little longer and it froze when meeting the rock wraith the first time in the deep roads (froze after I chose a dialog option with a constant loading going on), figured it was the same as the last few times it froze...nope. It froze, so I went to the home screen to quit out and re-launch, after doing so it couldn't find my save (thought I lost about 8 hours of play time and was going to be supremely pissed), had to go BACK to the home screen and re-quit and relaunch the game AGAIN, this time it found my save so I was able to continue but EVERY in-game setting was turned off and the difficulty was changed, (I had it on casual as well as subtitles, damage, and about 5 or 6 other settings enabled). Needless to say I am NOT impressed at all with this xbox one experience with Dragon Age 2! /end rant
Re: Random Gaming
12/30/18 11:06 am | #3455
Thanks for the head's up on DA2. It's in my backlog and I was going to play it before I dove into DA Inquisition (physical copy unopened) but now I am thinking DA2 is going into my SKIP category.
Re: Random Gaming
12/30/18 12:10 pm | #3456
I'd recommend just playing it on the 360 if you're capable of doing so.
Re: Random Gaming
01/04/19 12:24 pm | #3457
Playing Quantum Break - WTF is it with all of the cutscenes???
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/04/19 5:18 pm | #3458
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Playing Quantum Break - WTF is it with all of the cutscenes???
To be fair, it was billed as also being a tv show contained in the game and they probably paid a lot for the 4 main actors. So yeah, tons and tons of scenes you gotta sit through. I didn't find it all that interesting so I just sold it.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/04/19 10:34 pm | #3459
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Playing Quantum Break - WTF is it with all of the cutscenes???
To be fair, it was billed as also being a tv show contained in the game and they probably paid a lot for the 4 main actors. So yeah, tons and tons of scenes you gotta sit through. I didn't find it all that interesting so I just sold it.
Once I have pulled all of the achievements out of it that I want to go for, it's gone. It is a very talented cast so this game couldn't have been cheap to make I am wondering now how the game did overall. Cool concept and some really cool mechanics with some very heavy visuals but this is a game I won't be keeping.
Re: Random Gaming
01/05/19 9:43 pm | #3460
So...I totally remember downloading overcooked when it was free at some point...tried playing it last night and it kept telling me I had to buy it...and I'm definitely not spending 17 dollars on it....unfinished game that'll never get finished. Thanks microsoft...
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/05/19 10:32 pm | #3461
Quote by Xandler:
So...I totally remember downloading overcooked when it was free at some point...tried playing it last night and it kept telling me I had to buy it...and I'm definitely not spending 17 dollars on it....unfinished game that'll never get finished. Thanks microsoft...
That used to happen to me constantly with old Xbox Arcade games...
Re: Random Gaming
01/06/19 3:24 pm | #3462
Just finished collecting all of the collectables in Quantum Break and the last achievement I wanted unlocked. It's uninstalling right now. I am calling that game done.
Now, Farming Simulator 17 or ARK: Survival Evolved?
Re: Random Gaming
01/06/19 4:49 pm | #3463
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/06/19 5:29 pm | #3464
Quote by DeWayne:
ARK is pretty fun!
Oh, I was going to use the console commands to finish it as fast as possible.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/06/19 7:05 pm | #3465
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by DeWayne:
ARK is pretty fun!
Oh, I was going to use the console commands to finish it as fast as possible.
It's still a fun game even if you do that...I got some of my achievements legit...but to each their own!
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