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Archived: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
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Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:02 pm | #46
Quote by Clap That Fool:
I cant figure out how in the world to beat anybody in this morris game, ive tried going first, ive tried going 2nd, and they beat me everytime, anyone find a good strategy to win in these minigames?
I almost had the bugger but I forgot that the player with 3 stones left can move anywhere on the board... As soon as I got him to 3, he dropped me from 6 to 3 almost immediately. So the best I could possibly do was a 3v3 stone draw going first. Damn the "Beginner" AI!
EDIT: Just beat him but it didn't count since I wasn't at the Homestead... ):
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:19 pm | #47
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
Quote by AJ:
Anyone know how to start the preorder mission?
when you get control of your ship its on the bottom part of the map,just select it and go.sword isnt that great.
i just beat the game,29 hours and ill say 20 of that was on the main story.without any spoilers il say the ending isnt what i expected but it was interesting.
seriously? the game hasn't even been out 48 hours dude and you put 29 hours in already?
I still don't have power so I'm playing the vita version here and there and it's pretty cool, doesn't seem that long though.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:22 pm | #48
I hate the combat. Ridiculous. Never in an AC game have I hit a guy 9 times only for him to still come at me. Am I fighting with butter knives?
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:49 pm | #49
Quote by AJ:
I hate the combat. Ridiculous. Never in an AC game have I hit a guy 9 times only for him to still come at me. Am I fighting with butter knives?
You might be....... I haven't had a guy take more than 5 shots yet. I keep blocking then chopping there ass down with the tomahawk. The only ones that take a little more are the ones with armor.
But I must say that I am personally loving this game.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:56 pm | #50
Doesn't feel like AC to me. Way too many guards. Combat seems very nerfed. Map is gigantic, takes 15 minutes to get to destinations half the time.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/01/12 12:25 am | #51
They definitely seem to have taken a different approach to this game compared to the other ones. But I can understand why there are so many guards around seeing as it is around the time of war and such.
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/01/12 12:49 am | #52
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
This game acts as though I'm Jack the Ripper. I bump into someone and the guards start shooting and chasing me down. I walk through an alley and past a guard and next thing I know he's shooting at me and acting as though I just murdered 50 people. I'm not even in a restricted area either.
Again?!? I thought that the notoriety was the worst part of AC Revelations, you'd get a full bar of notoriety for sneezing near a guard, I'm just going to wait for a price drop on this one again 
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/01/12 12:54 am | #53
Quote by AJ:
Doesn't feel like AC to me. Way too many guards. Combat seems very nerfed. Map is gigantic, takes 15 minutes to get to destinations half the time.
You should be able to fast travel to most big destinations right off the bat via the map. It seems to be mostly Boston that takes some running through.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/01/12 2:13 am | #54
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
when you get control of your ship its on the bottom part of the map,just select it and go.sword isnt that great.
i just beat the game,29 hours and ill say 20 of that was on the main story.without any spoilers il say the ending isnt what i expected but it was interesting.
seriously? the game hasn't even been out 48 hours dude and you put 29 hours in already?
I still don't have power so I'm playing the vita version here and there and it's pretty cool, doesn't seem that long though.
i dont sleep,insomnia is a bitch lol i was up for 53 hours by the time i got the game and then the walk home from the midnignt release sorta gave me more energy so i stayed up for another 13 playing the game lol then i started playing again from 3 am to about 7pm yesterday
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/01/12 5:01 am | #55
Quote by Clap That Fool:
I cant figure out how in the world to beat anybody in this morris game, ive tried going first, ive tried going 2nd, and they beat me everytime, anyone find a good strategy to win in these minigames?
i haven't tried all the mini games but you do know they have good old fashion checkers right? i found this one to be the quickest to beat and finally win at. on the game where you need to play like a connect 3 then take an opponents peice i found the outer portion of the board works well (the 4 major corners)
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 11:35 am | #56
Anyone else having multiplayer freeze thier xbox? It gets to "Checking Uplay passport status" and freezes.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 8:31 pm | #58
8 hours and have only made it to sequence 6
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 9:11 pm | #59
Quote by DeWayne:
8 hours and have only made it to sequence 6
You must be doing a lot of side missions. Im doing only main missions as fast i can and ive made it to sequence 6 in 5 hours.
Also, is anyone else having problems installing this game to your hard drive. It keeps getting up to 78-79% and saying it can't read the disc.
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 9:34 pm | #60
Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by DeWayne:
8 hours and have only made it to sequence 6
You must be doing a lot of side missions. Im doing only main missions as fast i can and ive made it to sequence 6 in 5 hours.
Also, is anyone else having problems installing this game to your hard drive. It keeps getting up to 78-79% and saying it can't read the disc.
I didn't have a problem installing it. I haven't tried the Multiplayer disc yet though.
You think 8 hours is bad for sequence 6? I'm at 34 hours and I just got to sequence 7. I have been doing lots of side quests and lots of hunting. I'm loving this game.
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