Archived: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
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Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
12/13/12 9:03 am | #106
This Indian dialogue and crappy music is already giving me a headache

Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
12/13/12 7:47 pm | #107
Quote by mcdevlin182:
I would say it depends on your luck. If your free from glitches, and your good at the minigames, and multiplayer......then some where around 40 hours. I clocked out at 45 hours on this play-through, but I had to delete my first play-through (due to a glitch) after I was over 20 hours into the story.
There are quite a few nasty glitches. Just the other night I ran into a blue screen glitch. My entire screen filled with a blue screen and the only thing that was visible was my HUD. I got lucky and only had to reset my Xbox twice to get it running back to normal.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
12/15/12 10:14 am | #108
I honestly think this game is another step backwards and a lot of the choices they made are questionable, the notoriety is as bad as it was in Revelations, there's tons of bugs and glitches, it takes way too long before you get any good assassin abilities, the guild menus suck more than ever and the game is just boring and annoying. They just keep progressively getting worse than the last like CoD every year.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
12/19/12 12:53 am | #109
I'm liking the game, finally gone back and played it a little more. I wish they kept the hook from revelations that let you climb faster/farther but i guess you don't really need it.
looking forward to the story dlc coming out!
looking forward to the story dlc coming out!
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
12/19/12 1:24 pm | #110
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
looking forward to the story dlc coming out!
Yes, so am I. I am very interested in seeing how the tyranny is handled.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/08/13 11:08 pm | #111
i just downloaded the season pass so how do i use it to download the dlc i essentially paid for, anyadvice?
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/08/13 11:27 pm | #112
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i just downloaded the season pass so how do i use it to download the dlc i essentially paid for, anyadvice?
There should be a in game marketplace where you can download the DLC from.
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/08/13 11:37 pm | #113
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i just downloaded the season pass so how do i use it to download the dlc i essentially paid for, anyadvice?
There should be a in game marketplace where you can download the DLC from.
yeah gotta go to the mp disc, didn't realize that until like 5 minutes after i posted!

Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 4:03 pm | #114
I'm thinking about buy season pass. I'm wonder how many DLC total?
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 5:58 pm | #115
I am not sure if they have released a set number of how many dlc drops there will be, but currently there are two dlc packs out now, and the sp story dlc is being reported as coming in three parts.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 8:24 pm | #116
they said 5 total for season pass 3 story and 2 map packs I think plus the other dumb stuff they add I guess
anyone looking to boost the mp achievements?
anyone looking to boost the mp achievements?
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 8:35 pm | #117
I've tried to get back in this game.....twice. I hope it gets better.

Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 9:34 pm | #118
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I've tried to get back in this game.....twice. I hope it gets better.

It does...
...right before it ends.
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/09/13 10:31 pm | #119
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I've tried to get back in this game.....twice. I hope it gets better.

It does...
...right before it ends.
I'll play through it I suppose. Hopfully without falling asleep or freezing game.
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
01/10/13 12:16 am | #120
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I'm liking the game, finally gone back and played it a little more. I wish they kept the hook from revelations that let you climb faster/farther but i guess you don't really need it.
looking forward to the story dlc coming out!
looking forward to the story dlc coming out!
Yeah I miss the hook blade too. I miss the zip lines.