Archived: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
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Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 10:07 pm | #61
when it comes to the homefront, why if im already recruting the blacksmith dosn't anyone else lvl up? i did their missions but they just won't gain levels, it's frustrating since i can't make higer teir items. any suggestions?
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 10:57 pm | #62
I'm not really liking it compared to the previous titles. It seems like Assassins Creed is getting more and more like Hitman, where you HAVE to use stealth to pass missions. I can't recall how many times a guard gets stuck once he barely sees me and it never goes away, forcing me to fail the mission....
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/02/12 11:07 pm | #63
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I'm not really liking it compared to the previous titles. It seems like Assassins Creed is getting more and more like Hitman, where you HAVE to use stealth to pass missions. I can't recall how many times a guard gets stuck once he barely sees me and it never goes away, forcing me to fail the mission....
I agree with you exactly. I lost count on how many times I had to restart a mission due to a guard spotting me.
Controls aren't too bad, my only problem with them is that on some occassions when my character takes cover behind an object instead of running up that object like I had originally intended. It rarely happens, but it still bothers me that it does.
I'm really loving the story to it so far. I have an issue with a portion of the beginning of the story, but the rest of it has my interest peaked.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/03/12 9:09 pm | #64
I really like the game so far personally.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 3:23 pm | #65
I do believe that something is wrong here:

Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 3:27 pm | #66
Quote by Irish patriot x:
I'm not really liking it compared to the previous titles. It seems like Assassins Creed is getting more and more like Hitman, where you HAVE to use stealth to pass missions. I can't recall how many times a guard gets stuck once he barely sees me and it never goes away, forcing me to fail the mission....
I didn't like it much either. Combat is ridiculous. In this game you're lucky to get out of a fight pushing B less than 50 times against 5 people. Since B no longer kills enemies fights last much, much longer.
In the previous AC titles, you could fight 20-30 guys without taking any damage 9 times out of 10. In this game you're lucky to have half your health after fighting 5 guys.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 5:35 pm | #67
I've been running into some really glitchy play as of lately. The one I keep running into is that Conner will remaining looking up and to the left. If I hit left trigger his gaze shoots skywards. The only way I can get that glitch to reset is if I fast travel towards the end of town. Anyone else running into this issue or is it just my luck?
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 5:56 pm | #68
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I've been running into some really glitchy play as of lately. The one I keep running into is that Conner will remaining looking up and to the left. If I hit left trigger his gaze shoots skywards. The only way I can get that glitch to reset is if I fast travel towards the end of town. Anyone else running into this issue or is it just my luck?
I haven't had that problem, but I am having a problem with using my bow. For some reason when I shoot an arrow at the small animals, like raccoons and rabbits, it's like I have an invisible wall in between me and the animal. I shoot and the arrow goes maybe a foot in front of me and stays in mid air. I can shoot them with my gun just fine though, but I get damaged pelts from doing that.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 7:14 pm | #69
^^ haven't had those glitches.
Had the one that broke the Encyclopedia of the Common man, but a guy at had a great suggestion and I was able to finish it for the achievement - though it still shows not being finished....
Hopefully I can still 100% the game without starting over. At 97% and it would just suck to re-do all that work
AJ, you just suck at the game. I have easily taken 20 guards with no damage. Instead of the constant counter kills like before you actually have to pay attention to the enemy types, different strategies work on different enemies. Although I will admit I did like the lack of challenge with fighting before, it was nice being this ridiculous guy who just kills everyone without them having any real chance!!
But I am sure enjoying this automatic double kill when two enemies attack and you counter!!!!
Had the one that broke the Encyclopedia of the Common man, but a guy at had a great suggestion and I was able to finish it for the achievement - though it still shows not being finished....
Hopefully I can still 100% the game without starting over. At 97% and it would just suck to re-do all that work

AJ, you just suck at the game. I have easily taken 20 guards with no damage. Instead of the constant counter kills like before you actually have to pay attention to the enemy types, different strategies work on different enemies. Although I will admit I did like the lack of challenge with fighting before, it was nice being this ridiculous guy who just kills everyone without them having any real chance!!

Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 7:33 pm | #70
Yea... I suck, that must be it. There sure is a lot of strategy picking to counter or break defense. You can't even shoot once when there's more than 3 guys around.
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 7:34 pm | #71
Quote by AJ:
Yea... I suck, that must be it.
...or you could admit I'm good.

...but joking aside, yeah if you go in thinking the combat is like the other ones, you'll get
Edit: oh you and post editing. We need a sarcasm face, all I was trying to say was that it requires more strategy than before. No it's not exactly a lot of strategy

...and you might not be far enough but there are guys that you can't counter and break defense on, they will stop it and hit you....
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/05/12 9:54 pm | #72
I already beat it and sold it to Circus.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/08/12 11:09 am | #73
I just got back into the single-player story, and within a couple of missions I could see why everyone is annoyed with the guards. On another note I am continuously impressed with the amount of detail in this game. Has anybody spent the time to stop, and talk to Benjamin Franklin?
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/08/12 4:27 pm | #74
While I am a bit frustrated by the new fighting mechanics, I don't care, because I'm in it for the art and story mostly. Always have been really. I play most video games for two reasons, achievements and art/story. It's almost like watching a movie series, but I control the main character, it's longer and I can pace it out as long as I want.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
11/09/12 5:36 pm | #75
I finally ordered a copy off Amazon. Found a slightly used one for like $48. I've been dragging ass when it comes to gaming the last couple months, playing only a few hours a week. I still wanna finish at least the story missions in Borderlands 2 before starting this though.