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Archived: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
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Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/30/12 7:00 pm | #31
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I am going to kill myself soon if I can't beat the stupid AI playing Six Man Morris. Why the fuck did they make that mini game impossible?
Go second. It's almost impossible to win going first. If you have trouble with strategy go first and watch how the guy counters your moves, then do the same in reverse
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/30/12 8:09 pm | #32
Which of my lovely American friends are going to get one of my Canadian friends and I a pair of these NOS codes!? <333
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/30/12 10:40 pm | #33
Quote by kroberts11:
Which of my lovely American friends are going to get one of my Canadian friends and I a pair of these NOS codes!? <333

I'm gonna go out and see if I can find some today. If I do I will grab some extra and shoot some codes your way.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/30/12 10:42 pm | #34
This game acts as though I'm Jack the Ripper. I bump into someone and the guards start shooting and chasing me down. I walk through an alley and past a guard and next thing I know he's shooting at me and acting as though I just murdered 50 people. I'm not even in a restricted area either.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 6:45 am | #35
before i redeem the gamestop pre order code for the sawtooth sword and mission could someone tell me how the sword and the mission are (if you have gotten that far) i just want to know if i should put the code up for trade or redeem it, thanks guys.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 10:10 am | #36
I played for a bit yesterday after work and realized how much I love this series. A awesome game so far.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 11:44 am | #37
absolutely loving the story,idk what it is but i just cant get enough.a lot of my friends are/were pissed that you dont start right away as the assassin but i liked it.gives connor more of a backstory
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 12:13 pm | #38
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
absolutely loving the story,idk what it is but i just cant get enough.a lot of my friends are/were pissed that you dont start right away as the assassin but i liked it.gives connor more of a backstory
Yeah I'm liking it too. Congrats on the 300k by the way
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 4:55 pm | #39
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerHaytham Kenway is Connor's dad
It is a spoiler, but i dont think there was anyone that didn't play the game for more than 10 minutes and not figure that out. Someone tried spoiling that for me...I've only played the first 45 minutes. And I was just like...I know.
After the first 45 minutes tho i gotta say i'm liking the direction i'll def play a lot more hopefully tonight and on Friday for sure.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 5:54 pm | #40
Game is ok. Tired of playing as this Paul Revere wannabe
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 6:32 pm | #41
Lmao. I just blew something up as I was standing on a boat about 10-15 feet away - the game glitched and the boat disappeared as the explosion went off. Was rather amusing hahahahaha.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 7:47 pm | #42
Anyone know how to start the preorder mission?
Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 7:57 pm | #43
Quote by AJ:
Anyone know how to start the preorder mission?
when you get control of your ship its on the bottom part of the map,just select it and go.sword isnt that great.
i just beat the game,29 hours and ill say 20 of that was on the main story.without any spoilers il say the ending isnt what i expected but it was interesting.
Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 8:09 pm | #44
I cant figure out how in the world to beat anybody in this morris game, ive tried going first, ive tried going 2nd, and they beat me everytime, anyone find a good strategy to win in these minigames?
Re: Re: Re: The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread
10/31/12 8:30 pm | #45
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
Quote by AJ:
Anyone know how to start the preorder mission?
when you get control of your ship its on the bottom part of the map,just select it and go.sword isnt that great.
i just beat the game,29 hours and ill say 20 of that was on the main story.without any spoilers il say the ending isnt what i expected but it was interesting.
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