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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/06/17 9:25 pm | #2866
Quote by Meta:
Yeah, SpeedRunners was surprising quality despite appearing like another hip "indie" low budget snoozefest.
The Diablo 3 Necromancer DLC is very fun -- that's 9 characters now that I've played to level 70 and with this newest one they still managed to make it feel fresh & fun. They keep making changes that improve "quality of life" and with Adventure Mode and Rifts, it's still great to think up new builds for a character type and go wild killing monsters and looting.
How much $??
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/07/17 11:46 pm | #2867
Quote by Moo Lissa:
How much $??
$15 for the Necromancer stuff. If you don't have the original anymore, you can get everything in one shot for $35 I think.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/08/17 12:38 am | #2868
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
How much $??
$15 for the Necromancer stuff. If you don't have the original anymore, you can get everything in one shot for $35 I think.
I'm pretty sure I still have it. I'll have to check. Gracias.
Re: Random Gaming
07/13/17 11:52 pm | #2869
Anyone else that pre-ordered Destiny 2 to get in the beta early, you can redeem your code now and pre-load the game. It is about 13g and you will be able to play starting on the 19th.
The open beta will be available a few days later for anyone that wants to try it, I think on the 23rd. It will contain 1 story mission, 1 PvE strike, and 2 PvP modes in the new Crucible. The large social area won't be available until later in the beta, and Bungie has said it is a lot more dynamic & interesting than the Tower from the first game.
Bungie has said you will be able to try all 3 new subclasses during the beta but that skills and advancement will not be 100% reflective of the full game.
They keep saying over and over that Destiny 2 is going to improve upon the original in a lot of ways, having much more character-story involvement and addressing other issues players had. Frankly, so far everything just looks like more of the same, which is fine with me because I felt like once Taken King came out, Destiny was a "complete game" worth playing to endgame with one or two characters, but most people disagree.
Re: Random Gaming
07/16/17 10:25 am | #2870
I'll still buy it (when it's out) but the graphics / mechanics are exactly the same from Destiny 1, there's no difference-- I've watched videos, it's all the same. However, I don't mind more of the same. Just know what you're getting into. It's the same engine. Looks and plays exactly the same.
Re: Random Gaming
07/18/17 12:57 pm | #2871
It is genuinely fun to drop back to Halo MCC every now and again.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/18/17 7:43 pm | #2872
Quote by DeWayne:
It is genuinely fun to drop back to Halo MCC every now and again.
I am still have issues with achievements not unlocking with MCC. Have they fixed that part yet?
Re: Random Gaming
07/18/17 8:27 pm | #2873
I think so although I have alot more to pop
Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/19/17 9:09 pm | #2874
Quote by DeWayne:
I think so although I have a lot more to pop
I do try every now and again just to plug the game in and grab an achievement or 2 and they don't unlock. It's 2 or 3 years beyond the release date. I figured by now 343 would have had this handled.
...and my saves keep disappearing. Any progress I have made in any of the MCC games is gone when I go back to it. 
Re: Random Gaming
07/20/17 6:13 am | #2875
I played again last night and another one popped. Currently at 200 of 600. Not sure why your saves are not showing up. My previous campaign runs are still there.
Re: Random Gaming
07/20/17 8:17 am | #2876
Mo, does it let you specify between HDD and Cloud saves?
Ok so Destiny 2 - as SeanPC and I alluded to earlier, it's pretty much just more of the same. It looks a tiny bit better, mainly in lighting and nicer textures, but is certainly not a huge jump. And that's not a bad thing. People have said this could have just been a Cabal Invasion expansion for original Destiny, and they are correct, but they are missing the point.
While the brief beta doesn't show much new stuff, it does show massive potential. The original game was built to be scalable to 360/PS3 whereas Destiny 2 has been built from the ground up for XB1/PS4. I think it is a better move to drop a sequel now rather than let original Destiny get old, full of power creep, and hold back the potential of making bigger & better set-pieces for story missions, strikes/raids and pvp maps.
The changes to weapon categories, ammo types and character subclasses all seem weird and unnecessary to me, but the gunplay and movement mechanics feel good, and I will enjoy getting "more of the same" with slightly better graphics and vastly improved physics and interaction. The game still isn't the second coming of Christ like Bungie wants you to believe, but if you enjoyed Destiny post-Taken King/Rise of Iron then you will enjoy 2.
The open beta begins next week I believe. So far, we have 1 story mission, 1 PvE strike (3 man) and 2 PvP modes of 4v4.
Re: Random Gaming
07/20/17 6:11 pm | #2877
Yes, it does ask and I have checked in both places and my saves are still missing, which ticks me off. I really don't want to start all over again. FEK!!!
Re: Random Gaming
07/24/17 5:20 pm | #2878
There are so many Halo MCC achievements! Definitely helping my completion percentage!
Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/24/17 7:12 pm | #2879
Quote by DeWayne:
There are so many Halo MCC achievements! Definitely helping my completion percentage!
Darth, it's like 6 games worth of 1k's in there. A lot of gamers, like me, got tired of messing around with and waiting for achievements.
Re: Random Gaming
07/25/17 3:59 pm | #2880
Having fun with terminals and skulls!
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