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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Random Gaming
05/26/17 6:20 am | #2836
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Ok, double post -
I just got a question from someone that I think is pertinent to the interest of everyone regarding ESO, "How did you level up that quickly?"
Answer - Actually, I didn't. The road to 50 was a long one. I struggled all the way through to even play the game. Once I got to 50, the "Champion" system takes over and for the first 4.5 million points you are Enlightened. That's a fancy way of saying XP x 2.
So, while I was jumping from Champion 1 to 100 rather quickly, really I wasn't. I found a way to grind XP - hang out at Dark Anchors...as long as you are part of a good sized group, you can net up 30k XP with just one instance.
I hope that answers your question - Mr Anono mouse
The out of memory part, could it be your hardrive? ESO is a massive install.
The fastest way to level up in ESO is to get ESO plus, wear all training trait gear, chug an Ambrosia, grab someone that has 600 CO, and have them grind you out in Skyreach. 1 to 50 can be done in around 3 to 4 hours. CP ranks will climb through the roof.
No, wait till you put that Moondancer gear on. You'll shred through anything or anyone.
Re: Random Gaming
05/26/17 9:00 am | #2837
You mean that 'witches brew' you gave me? I stuck it all in the bank. I was going to ask you what that stuff was for.
Re: Random Gaming
06/05/17 11:35 am | #2838
So, the Morrowind expansion for ESO drops tomorrow. Does that mean ESO is going to unplayable due to server overload with all of the old players coming back?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 12:03 am | #2839
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, the Morrowind expansion for ESO drops tomorrow. Does that mean ESO is going to unplayable due to server overload with all of the old players coming back?
Is it free or does it cost $?
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 12:27 am | #2840
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, the Morrowind expansion for ESO drops tomorrow. Does that mean ESO is going to unplayable due to server overload with all of the old players coming back?
Is it free or does it cost $?
Servers will be bogged down for the first couple days. Then it'll start to improve.
Yes it does cost money for the expansion. There is an edition where it comes with all DLC and expansion. I think 60 bucks for all.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 9:05 am | #2841
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Is it free or does it cost $?
Servers will be bogged down for the first couple days. Then it'll start to improve.
Yes it does cost money for the expansion. There is an edition where it comes with all DLC and expansion. I think 60 bucks for all.
I'm not sure how bogged down it will be in that case. I mean- if you're done with a game, does the prospect of spending even more money on it excite you? And what- $60 to rebuy the game and get the code for it too, or $40 just to upgrade (for around a 20 hour expansion)? Hard pass for me. But obviously I don't speak for everyone lol.
Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 12:01 pm | #2842
I am trying to log on now to ESO - UPDATE....32.64 gigs.
I think I am going to go take a nap...
Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 3:11 pm | #2843
So far it has been a very smooth launch. Very little lag and that is only in some of the bigger cities in Morrowind where that will happen. But it is still kind of early. Traffic has been high, but I'm sure it'll be through the roof tonight. Doing some of the story line. Just got done exploring this massive area. Story line so far has been pretty good, building up suspense. Scenery in here is impressive.
20 hours is just for the story content. There is much, much more content in the game. You still have dungeons, trials, world bosses, PvP, fishing, new daily missions, crafting, selling, fishing, exploration, and more. Is the price tag that comes along with it worth it? For me, yes. For others, to each their own. 
Mo you hit 160 yet? We gotta craft you some Julianos to go with your Moon Dancer set. Go HEREto look at the sets that can be crafted. Easier to go through the motifs tab.
Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 8:43 pm | #2844
I was at 196 this morning but now I can't even get on.
Question - Do I share the craft bag between characters or does each character start all over again?
It was good to see you on the other night. I figured you were busy so I left you alone.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/06/17 11:29 pm | #2845
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I was at 196 this morning but now I can't even get on.
Question - Do I share the craft bag between characters or does each character start all over again?
It was good to see you on the other night. I figured you were busy so I left you alone.
Damn, 196? Impressive. We gotta get you geared up. Champion points changed with this update, so we gotta redo those. Adjust some skills that should be ready to morph now. Take you over to my house and practice on the dummy for your rotation. It'll also show you how hard you are hitting.
Craft bag is shared amongst all your players. Double bank space is now available!
When I am on, hit me up. Unless I am in Maelstrom Arena. You'll understand why that is when you try it.
Re: Random Gaming
06/07/17 10:54 am | #2846
Yeah, I saw the points reset and I kinda put them here and there. I couldn't remember the entire set up you had suggested.
198 as of this morning
Re: Random Gaming
06/07/17 2:44 pm | #2847
Morrowind is an update to ESO, not a new disc release correct? Is it included as part of your prime membership or a separate purchase?
Re: Random Gaming
06/07/17 3:54 pm | #2848
Ive been kinda wanting to get into ESO since it released and now with Morrowind out it makes me wanna jump in even more. Would i be so far behind that it wouldnt be fun for me? It seens kind of grindy and i dont think my friends have it so i would essentially be by myself. Lol
Re: Random Gaming
06/07/17 11:08 pm | #2849
Not at all. Nick, if you want to jump in, now is the perfect time. All of the DLC is out and the Morrowind expansion has just been released. There are a bunch of us around that will gladly help you out - I am new as well but I will help you where I can. Shadow is great for advice and he has an estate set up just for crafting, banking and selling all of your stuff.
PS - Shadow, your Feking thieves guild fence still won't talk to me - WTF?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/08/17 12:51 am | #2850
Quote by IRiSH:
Morrowind is an update to ESO, not a new disc release correct? Is it included as part of your prime membership or a separate purchase?
You can upgrade for $40 if you still have your original ESO copy. Or purchase the all in one for $60.
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