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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 4:06 am | #2806
Bethesda finally confirmed all the leaks and rumors -- the next Elder Scrolls is going to be ES6: Valenwood! They released a trailer with the announcement but all it shows is some nicely rendered grass and a bosmer tribe fletching arrows:

Hopefully mounts are better in Valenwood, because Skyrim's horses are retarded, and I would like the return of spells like Recall and Levitate. Tentative release is "summer 2018" but I bet it gets pushed back to November.
Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 8:10 am | #2807
Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 9:01 am | #2808
Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 1:07 pm | #2809
Oh, great. The new rickroll...
Re: Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 7:25 pm | #2810
Quote by Meta:
Bethesda finally confirmed all the leaks and rumors -- the next Elder Scrolls is going to be ES6: Valenwood! They released a trailer with the announcement but all it shows is some nicely rendered grass and a bosmer tribe fletching arrows:
Hopefully mounts are better in Valenwood, because Skyrim's horses are retarded, and I would like the return of spells like Recall and Levitate. Tentative release is "summer 2018" but I bet it gets pushed back to November.
I lurve you for this Meta! This song is dope!
Re: Random Gaming
04/01/17 8:29 pm | #2811
I don't know what you guys are on about, I was just
Re: Random Gaming
04/02/17 7:28 pm | #2812
FINALLY! After a friggin week of trying expert mission 15 on xenoverse 2 with various people from the LtG feature on XBL I managed to finish it without the shitty servers kicking me or the entire party out!
Re: Re: Random Gaming
04/03/17 12:20 am | #2813
Quote by Meta:
I don't know what you guys are on about, I was just
Yeah, that. It's gonna be the new rickroll. 
Re: Random Gaming
04/08/17 12:12 pm | #2814
Xenoverse 2, earthlings suck
end rant
Re: Random Gaming
04/16/17 6:43 pm | #2815
Who else is stoked for Battlefront II??
Re: Re: Random Gaming
04/18/17 11:29 am | #2816
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Who else is stoked for Battlefront II??
Me! They're taking the good parts of the last one, adding meaningful progression, more & better vehicles, a story/campaign and everything will span the entire saga!
I held off buying the last one cause I had janky internet and the game lacked depth & progression. Now i have wizard internets and they seemingly added back in the stuff I liked in the old games!
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
04/18/17 12:01 pm | #2817
Quote by Meta:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Who else is stoked for Battlefront II??
Me! They're taking the good parts of the last one, adding meaningful progression, more & better vehicles, a story/campaign and everything will span the entire saga!
I held off buying the last one cause I had janky internet and the game lacked depth & progression. Now i have wizard internets and they seemingly added back in the stuff I liked in the old games!
Me too. Excited, I mean- I don't have wizard internets.
Re: Random Gaming
04/18/17 2:44 pm | #2818
Halo MCC - still having issues with achievements unlocking. Back on the shelf it goes
Re: Random Gaming
04/26/17 10:59 pm | #2819
PS Plus is getting Tales from the Borderlands free in May.....
Re: Random Gaming
05/19/17 3:28 am | #2820
Injustice 2 is fun -- I'm pretty terrible at most fighters, and didn't particularly enjoy the original Injustice: Gods Among Us, but 2 has a lot of fun stuff to do other than getting pummeled online. The gear system is cool, I like being able to customize characters I enjoy (which are few because DC sux buttz and fux nutz) but I feel like they need to be more generous with the credits you earn.
Mo I know you've been hitting Elder Scrolls Online pretty hard. Tell us what you've been doing! What is your main character's race and class? you racist asshole. Are you jazzed for the upcoming Morrowind expansion? I think that is when I will jump back in.
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