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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/08/17 1:02 am | #2851
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Not at all. Nick, if you want to jump in, now is the perfect time. All of the DLC is out and the Morrowind expansion has just been released. There are a bunch of us around that will gladly help you out - I am new as well but I will help you where I can. Shadow is great for advice and he has an estate set up just for crafting, banking and selling all of your stuff.
PS - Shadow, your Feking thieves guild fence still won't talk to me - WTF?
Now is a great time to jump in. They just released a new character class and a lot of people are building them up. You can get it alone of you'd like or join a guild. One of my guilds is dedicated to helping people with their builds or if they need help with anything. No can attest to that. I made one post and had 14 volunteers to help him pull some gear. It can get grindy, but the beautiful thing is that you can have people help you grind out gear or levels.
Mo, I sent you your gear. It's a lot of gold invested into it. Be careful with it. No scratches and keep it clean lol. Put those on with your Moondancer chest and jewelry. Lightning staff goes on your main bar. Hit me up when you see me on.
I kinda apologize for my fence merchant. She can be a real asshole sometimes and not want to buy your stolen merchandise. Maybe racist against Nords?
Re: Random Gaming
06/08/17 5:17 am | #2852
I'm at around 360 CP i'm a sorcerer about 3700 spell-power, played all of the expansions and bought morrowind. it's nice seeing everything reproduced down to the small details in morrowind here.
Unless you don't like bears or flowers, i think the new Warden class is a good way to go if you're just starting out. It's a tank/healer/dps like the druid from world of warcraft. One thing as you play the game more, with any class, you'll be changing things up a lot as you perfect what you're doing. i thought i could heal in dungeon parties early on, but i learned later on that my sorcerer class isn't good for that. i thought i liked my pets, but now i'm better without them. some high level people still use pets, if it works for them.
you can reset your skill points and everything else, in towns for a very small amount of gold, so it's easy to reset and try things a different way.
it's pretty cheap to buy a physical copy, and i think all the DLC is for one price now. there's no monthly fee, and the 'crown store' is just extra stuff that doesn't effect your power level.
picking your faction doesn't matter since you can go anywhere now, and when you finish your faction story, you keep everything you have and can do the other two
Re: Random Gaming
06/08/17 8:25 am | #2853
Sorc with pets is the strongest dps in the game at the moment. You run it with a scamp. That little bastard causes a ton of damage.
Re: Random Gaming
06/08/17 9:11 am | #2854
The little bastard also wanders about on his own and gets himself in all sorts of trouble. I hate scamps.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/16/17 10:21 pm | #2855
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
The little bastard also wanders about on his own and gets himself in all sorts of trouble. I hate scamps.
We're talking about women now aren't we
Re: Random Gaming
06/20/17 5:06 pm | #2856
This looks cool
I have forgotten how to embed.....
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/20/17 5:55 pm | #2857
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
The little bastard also wanders about on his own and gets himself in all sorts of trouble. I hate scamps.
We're talking about women now aren't we

I think it's his penis...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
06/20/17 6:00 pm | #2858
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
We're talking about women now aren't we

I think it's his penis...
You wish
Re: Random Gaming
06/26/17 6:13 am | #2859
holy hell. on a whim i decided to see if the site leaderboards where fixed and they are.
Today is a lovely day.
Re: Random Gaming
06/28/17 8:32 pm | #2860
The new character Eagle is free this week on Killer Instinct
Re: Random Gaming
07/04/17 7:12 pm | #2861
Speed runners is quite entertaining!
Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/04/17 7:28 pm | #2862
Quote by DeWayne:
Speed runners is quite entertaining!
Right? It's actually a ton of fun, I really wasn't prepared for how much I'd enjoy it
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/04/17 9:07 pm | #2863
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by DeWayne:
Speed runners is quite entertaining!
Right? It's actually a ton of fun, I really wasn't prepared for how much I'd enjoy it
Agreed totally
Re: Random Gaming
07/06/17 4:10 pm | #2864
Yeah, SpeedRunners was surprising quality despite appearing like another hip "indie" low budget snoozefest.
The Diablo 3 Necromancer DLC is very fun -- that's 9 characters now that I've played to level 70 and with this newest one they still managed to make it feel fresh & fun. They keep making changes that improve "quality of life" and with Adventure Mode and Rifts, it's still great to think up new builds for a character type and go wild killing monsters and looting.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
07/06/17 5:03 pm | #2865
Quote by Meta:
Yeah, SpeedRunners was surprising quality despite appearing like another hip "indie" low budget snoozefest.
The Diablo 3 Necromancer DLC is very fun -- that's 9 characters now that I've played to level 70 and with this newest one they still managed to make it feel fresh & fun. They keep making changes that improve "quality of life" and with Adventure Mode and Rifts, it's still great to think up new builds for a character type and go wild killing monsters and looting.
Wait, I know they released something for Diablo, but it didn't have any achievements so I didn't give it a second thought. Is this the same game with the Ultimate Evil Edition?
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