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Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 1:33 am | #286
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Daniel:
Taxes differentiate between states, in Texas Amazon Does charge Taxes

Damn, they kill ya with those taxes too
what state has the highest taxes? its 13% up here in canada.i believe its across the board but i cant remember.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 1:59 am | #288
Quote by BIGP 6:
Just pre-ordered the xbone......for me its all about 2 things
The online service & exclusives and as of now Microsoft is the winner for me in both those departments. ....only reason I own a ps3 is for MGS4 & since MGS5 is on xbone, sony has nothing to bait my hook with
I agree with you on both accounts, Infamous was the only exclusive that actually interested me with PS4, I want Dead Rising on Xbone way more though, not sure about day one purchase on any console just yet, still not overly wowed or swayed.
Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 2:27 am | #289
Quote by Circus:
Quote by BIGP 6:
Just pre-ordered the xbone......for me its all about 2 things
The online service & exclusives and as of now Microsoft is the winner for me in both those departments. ....only reason I own a ps3 is for MGS4 & since MGS5 is on xbone, sony has nothing to bait my hook with
I agree with you on both accounts, Infamous was the only exclusive that actually interested me with PS4, I want Dead Rising on Xbone way more though, not sure about day one purchase on any console just yet, still not overly wowed or swayed.
yeah, besides the new infamous game none of the ps4 exclusives made me consider the system, which is unfortunate.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 2:42 am | #290
I shall be passing on this 'glorious' xbox one
I'll stick with my 360 till they cut me off
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 2:50 pm | #292
This just in....Sony backing away from its no used game DRM claims. Now saying that they won't do it, but publishers and developers free to make their own policy about used games. So Haaaaaa....I called it weeks ago!!!! TK scores.....how do ya like them apples!!!
Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 3:46 pm | #294
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by TK Chillin:
This just in....Sony backing away from its no used game DRM claims. Now saying that they won't do it, but publishers and developers free to make their own policy about used games. So Haaaaaa....I called it weeks ago!!!! TK scores.....how do ya like them apples!!!
Quote by IGN:
This clarification comes one day after Sony's E3 press conference this week, where Tretton stated that the PlayStation 4 "won't pose any new restrictions on the use of PS4 gamers." He continued, "We believe in the model that people embrace today with PlayStation 3."
In lamens terms they just mean that the practices that already exist (I.E. online passes) are still a viable option to third party publishers.
Used games are still free to be traded, shared, and sold whenever you please and is still high above what Microsoft is letting you do.
I wouldn't say you really called anything.
Yeah they're saying season passes are probably going to happen. They're not saying anything like what you seem to think they're saying. :S
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 3:50 pm | #295
well the GameStop by me was taking pre orders on both systems, ended up reserving a launch day Xboner.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 4:08 pm | #296
Nope, season pass is one option. But publishers are free to come up with their own models. Same thing what MS said.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 4:20 pm | #297
Quote by TK Chillin:
Nope, season pass is one option. But publishers are free to come up with their own models. Same thing what MS said.
Yeah, we get it- you'll never admit you're wrong or that twitter isn't the be all and end all for information.
You said many times that ms is blocking used games and Sony will have the exact same policy, even citing the head of GameStop. However, neither company is actually blocking them- Microsoft says all games must be installed and played of the cloud to have control over drm and that "- Publishers may allow you to trade in your disc-based games at participating retailers." and Sony says they "are against fees on used games, but publishers are able to impose them for playing used games ONLINE if they want." Games will be played the same as ps3 games and are able to be bought and sold freely.
If you don't think there's a difference in these statements and policies, I'm not going to keep debating it. Just go back to your "I was right" dance and I'll go back to crying that the world has lost critical thinking abilities.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 6:58 pm | #299
Preordered my XBONE and my PS4 today. Still not certain I am purchasing the PS4 day 1, but at least now I have the opportunity if I feel like it.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/11/13 10:32 pm | #300
I am gonna get an Xbone. Just probably not at launch. I wanna wait and see if they have a problem like the RRoD first.
I will probably end up with a PS4 as well.....
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