So my bet is either that "anonymous" guy doesn't work for MS, or they feed them the same BS that many of these people try to feed us about used games and how awful they are.
Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/13/13 11:54 pm | #331
On a side note, I did read the article. Again dude has this crazy idea that somehow used games are screwing the marketplace. It's all games. If a game is released digital only then they don't have to worry about retail prices, then the pricing can be completely controlled by the publisher. I just don't get why anyone believes these bungholes.
So my bet is either that "anonymous" guy doesn't work for MS, or they feed them the same BS that many of these people try to feed us about used games and how awful they are.
So my bet is either that "anonymous" guy doesn't work for MS, or they feed them the same BS that many of these people try to feed us about used games and how awful they are.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 1:01 am | #332
Quote by Circus:

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
that's not his whole argument, but he did bring up a bunch of valid points.
and digital is almost (95%) of the time cheaper.
No it's not. Retailers do not like having a digital copy cheaper than what they sell it for. Name me one game on the xbox 360 that the digital copy was cheaper from release than the retail copy....
Xbox 360 =/= Xbox one
But you're saying 95% of the time it's cheaper then defending that it's actually never cheaper by saying that you're not talking about the consoles we have right now- you're talking about the console that won't be out for months. So 95% of xbone's games will be cheaper? How the hell is that provable?
All this crap about used games driving up prices is total bs. Used games keep publishers honest. If MS really believed the crap they're spewing they would be broadcasting their $30 price point for x1 games. After all, by limiting what games can be played used, what retailers can buy and sell used and forcing every game to be digital to play they have control over the market. If this was really about saving the consumer $, they'd be parading major Nelson around in a float with a band, like in Bioshock Infinite. They'd rather talk ambiguously and anonymously and that way all the idiots who buy into their bs won't have anyone specific to blame.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 3:45 am | #333
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 3:59 am | #334
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 8:03 am | #335
Quote by Minioger:
On a side note, I did read the article. Again dude has this crazy idea that somehow used games are screwing the marketplace. It's all games. If a game is released digital only then they don't have to worry about retail prices, then the pricing can be completely controlled by the publisher. I just don't get why anyone believes these bungholes.
So my bet is either that "anonymous" guy doesn't work for MS, or they feed them the same BS that many of these people try to feed us about used games and how awful they are.
So my bet is either that "anonymous" guy doesn't work for MS, or they feed them the same BS that many of these people try to feed us about used games and how awful they are.
Definitely a bullshit article. The guy probably works at Mcdonalds.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 6:38 pm | #338
The more I think about it the more I wonder why I'm buying an Xbox One, Microsoft is pretty much shoving so many things into unspeakable areas and we're just sitting there taking it and defending it.
Of the 80 Million+ Xboxs sold about 24 Million have not been connected to LIVE are they really going to sit there and potentially lose 24 Million Customers because of no internet? Like me for example where bad things happen and my internet is straight from somewhere in the jungle recently. I can hardly get the internet to work on my laptop and It's pretty much been unavailable on my 360 this whole week, so if I had an Xbox One, I could not have played any of my games this whole week. That's just bullshit, what kind of company just flips you the bird for not having the opportunity to have a reliable connection?
All because of this stupid DRM and Always online Policy, I'm borderline cancelling my pre-order, I'm done defending MS and it's ridiculous policies. It doesn't help I keep watching Douche Mattrick's "Well there's always the 360" Speech. /rant
Edit: And here's to Japanese Support
Of the 80 Million+ Xboxs sold about 24 Million have not been connected to LIVE are they really going to sit there and potentially lose 24 Million Customers because of no internet? Like me for example where bad things happen and my internet is straight from somewhere in the jungle recently. I can hardly get the internet to work on my laptop and It's pretty much been unavailable on my 360 this whole week, so if I had an Xbox One, I could not have played any of my games this whole week. That's just bullshit, what kind of company just flips you the bird for not having the opportunity to have a reliable connection?
All because of this stupid DRM and Always online Policy, I'm borderline cancelling my pre-order, I'm done defending MS and it's ridiculous policies. It doesn't help I keep watching Douche Mattrick's "Well there's always the 360" Speech. /rant
Edit: And here's to Japanese Support

Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 10:47 pm | #339

Well, there goes a majority of the FGC and CoD players in the world after 3 months.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 10:49 pm | #340
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Well, there goes a majority of the FGC and CoD players in the world after 3 months.
Hurrah! They finally did something good!

Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/14/13 10:51 pm | #341
XBox One, removing annoying taint 13 year old kids for talking shit on CoD since 2013!
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/15/13 2:38 am | #342
This article was a pretty good read for bashing on Microsoft's 'let's ignore the issue and shove a lot of games in everyone's faces' attitude at E3.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/15/13 2:41 pm | #343
Quote by Circus:
This article was a pretty good read for bashing on Microsoft's 'let's ignore the issue and shove a lot of games in everyone's faces' attitude at E3.
microsoft: does conference before e3 to talk about specs and say at e3 having only games, people still complain about lack of games.
at e3 only show games but still people complain about lack of details when it was announced before only games being shown.
oh and digital is cheaper, you can get more (free games when you pre order on steam, summer/winter sales, etc)
Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
06/15/13 3:09 pm | #344
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
microsoft: does conference before e3 to talk about specs and say at e3 having only games, people still complain about lack of games.
at e3 only show games but still people complain about lack of details when it was announced before only games being shown.
oh and digital is cheaper, because I'm still talking out of my ass...
Oh and although I'm not disagreeing with your lolinternet statement,, I should point out that MS's problem is the fact they somehow think the details they did give would just quell all the hate towards them, when it clearly has not.
You know it's like those trucks that have the sign that says "stay back 200 feet, not responsible for broken windows," bullshit. If your truck drops rocks onto the road, you are responsible for it. But I told you I'm not responsible, you know beforehand....doesn't matter.
So they can say "look at the games" all they want, but when you do a half-ass job of marketing your new product, you can't sit there and whine about how people take a dump on it.
So, maybe they do care about gamers still, but their shitty job of presenting it to all of us still hasn't sold me on it. They need to give some real details and not keep avoiding the issue and acting like we are assholes for wanting to know how they are changing console gaming so drastically....
Gee Snapple it's like you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
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