Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Quote by Meta:
For lunch.
If I ever have kids (God help us All) I will remember that. Could come in handy.
Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by Meta:
....well-said, sir.
Damn you, damn your rational reaction, damn the XBoner, and damn that tiny part inside of me that is still excited for a new generation of consoles!

This is what I think about used games.
That is probably the most tunnel visioned article I've read in a while. His points are incorrect, and his logic is flawed....
This is what I think about used games.
Quote by Kat:
Sort of beat me to it, IGN's perspective
Also features somewhat more clear details on always online and Kinect, ehh.
Quote by Kat:
So Im reading this correctly in that you will be able to share games with friends once per game and they have to be on your friends list for 30 days or longer? Well if thats true I guess its better than not being able to share at all
Quote by Clap That Fool:
Quote by Kat:
So Im reading this correctly in that you will be able to share games with friends once per game and they have to be on your friends list for 30 days or longer? Well if thats true I guess its better than not being able to share at all
Yes, but you read the article Daniel posted, apparently that won't be available at launch.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Clap That Fool:
So Im reading this correctly in that you will be able to share games with friends once per game and they have to be on your friends list for 30 days or longer? Well if thats true I guess its better than not being able to share at all
Yes, but you read the article Daniel posted, apparently that won't be available at launch.
when is anything available at launch this point?
everything is patches patches patches

Quote by Circus:
only if they dont make a deal with them which they could who knows,still to early at this point plus that only effects the US. sure up here in canada we have a version of gamefly but its a really shitty blockbusters up here anymore and no real place to rent anything.
none of the news today changes my choice and i dont really care if these things effects still getting it day one. i buy my games new,i dont lend games to anyone,my net dropped last night for the second time since last october so being connected is no real problem for me either.
Quote by Clap That Fool:
Wonder why it would sell out day 1... Even if it was looking like they WEREN'T going to screw people over with the console, it's shipping months from now and even if they manufacture a shortage, as usual- the good games probably won't release at launch.
Sigh- people.

Quote by Kat:
Quote by Clap That Fool:
Wonder why it would sell out day 1... Even if it was looking like they WEREN'T going to screw people over with the console, it's shipping months from now and even if they manufacture a shortage, as usual- the good games probably won't release at launch.
Sigh- people.

Hey man, I got this AWESOME DEAL but you have to totally buy now before you have time to realize it's not that great!
Since when did Gamestop start using hard sales tactics? I thought they were more the "annoy you until you buy" type place.
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