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Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 4:08 am | #136
Quote by Meta:
Right now the 360 still has a huge catalog of fun stuff and there is just too much other great gaming on PC and other systems for me to justify getting an Xboner day 1.
I think that's what M$ was hoping this new system would give everyone.
Quote by Meta:
Even though it would be fun to get right in on it.
That's what she said.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 4:56 am | #137
Saw this on IGN, if the sales relate to this then it won't bode well for MS:
'We asked “What did you think of the Xbox One reveal event?” Around 25% of respondents were positive about the reveal, with 6% saying it was fantastic and 17% regarding it as solid. On the flipside, more than 75% of the 76,000 people who voted thought it was disappointing. 47% of voters – ALMOST HALF – said there were too many elements they weren't interested in, while almost 29% of people said it was nothing short of a disaster.'
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 8:52 am | #138
I like how everyone is like "I don't like x" or "y is why I'm disappointed," and Snapple comes in like "yeah, but..." and tries to argue it.
We get it, Snap- you're a fanboy. 
Re: Circus' stats- that's not surprising. I read on Kotaku that MS execs were SHOCKED that the Xboner reveal went so poorly and had such a negative reaction. They thought we'd all be so thrilled?
Are there enough gadget loving casual gamers in their late 20s to early 40s to justify their extreme desire to chase after that demographic?? Who else is going to drop $500+ on a jack of all trades/ master of none box?
If you think about all the features they have gone ahead with adding, KNOWING that there's a vocal majority of gamers upset about them, it is just unbelievable that they didn't rethink their strategy. Or do they just know that people are such sheep that they say "that's console suicide!" and go buy one when they release?
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 8:58 am | #139
...yeah I am a fanboy at this point, but I also thnk it's a little too early to pass all these judgments, especially about the used game fee. Microsoft and it's representatives have eac given a different answer (with the Xbox support saying no used fee.)
at this point I'm just keeping an open mind towards it herp derp
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 9:40 am | #140
About the controller - how is the battery integrated? The same way that the current controller battery is integrated or is it buried within the controller itself?
I guess by now that we have all had batteries go bad, so if this power source is part of the controller, does that mean that I would have to buy a whole new controller and not just a new battery pack if the rechargeable battery dies?
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 9:40 am | #141
The funniest thing I read so far is the next step to show true appreciation for its gaming consumers
Microsoft is going to have people dressed as Master Chief to teabag people at the sales release.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 9:43 am | #142
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
About the controller - how is the battery integrated? The same way that the current controller battery is integrated or is it buried within the controller itself?
I guess by now that we have all had batteries go bad, so if this power source is part of the controller, does that mean that I would have to buy a whole new controller and not just a new battery pack if the rechargeable battery dies?
it uses double a's
Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 10:35 am | #144
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
it uses double a's
I'm pretty sure when they say integrated they mean the battery doesn't come out like the ps3 controller
it'll be battery packs again or double a's.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 11:04 am | #145
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Nevermind - "Less-obtrusive battery compartment running AA batteries." That answered my question. Thanks.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 5:10 pm | #146
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
...yeah I am a fanboy at this point, but I also thnk it's a little too early to pass all these judgments, especially about the used game fee. Microsoft and it's representatives have eac given a different answer (with the Xbox support saying no used fee.)
at this point I'm just keeping an open mind towards it herp derp
Main Entry: damage control
Function: noun
Date: 1943
: measures taken to offset or minimize damage to reputation, credibility, or public image caused by a controversial act, remark, or revelation
When the Vice President of a company says something, there's a huge backlash of outrage among consumers and a few days later there are customer service people giving a different story, that's not "oops, we passed judgement too early, this is going to rock," that's "wow, they're going to snow us until the absolute last minute to try to get preorders."
EVERYTHING released about this system- all the leaks, all the developers, all the official statements have pointed out 3 things- 1) kinect is required and can not be shut off or removed. 2) Microsoft wont support used game sales and 3) the new Xbox will have to be always on.
Fucking ridiculous religious right wing conspiracy theory websites posted something about the next Xbox needing kinect a year ago. I dismissed it because the site was ludicrous but here we are.
When they did not deny these allegations at the reveal, I (and I'm sure others) assumed that was basically confirmation. When Phil Harrison was caught off guard by being asked point blank about them, he DID confirm them. But now because the FAQ on their website says differently, you're going to say he's full of shit? It's a poor Vice President who doesn't know as much about the company as the call center and twitter people in India-- and I don't think he's a poor Vice President. They were SHOCKED people were pissed and now they are backpedaling. And not even well!!!
Unattributed Quote:
"Xbox One’s support for used games and these other scenarios may not look like they have on previous console generations, and that’s what we’ll be explaining as soon as we’re able," the spokesperson said.
Unattributed Quote:
The Wired article has indeed been updated [after Microsoft noticed they posted about used game fees "in error" and sent them the corrected information"] to mention that Microsoft will unveil its used game policy for the One in the future; however, it still references a fee required to transfer the game over to a second party.
Unattributed Quote:
The statement is echoed on Microsoft's Q&A page, which says that the Xbox One does require a connection, but does not always have to be connected.
Change is coming, fanboy. Herp derp. If what they release in Nov or whatever is different from this, it's because they retooled, realizing people wouldn't buy the console they pitched this week.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 5:26 pm | #147
Dooo-blay post!
Ign published results of a poll about whether people were disappointed with the reveal and I'm curious if our site- mostly older (20+) gamers who play quite frequently and are gamerscore oriented fit in their results, or if other kinds of gamers make up their polling sample. So, I made a poll! Please vote- for science!!!
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 5:26 pm | #148
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/23/13 6:28 pm | #150
You can tell M$ is so scattered right now... lol. Like Mudkip said, they probably didn't expect such a backlash. So now all you hear is them trying to answer questions truthfully but bullshit at the same time to damage control.
In the end its whatever though. So much could probably change between now and the consoles release. So we'll just have to wait and wait for more info on both the consoles. In the end when it comes to PS4 or X1, whatever my friends pick is what I pick.
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