Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
So far, I've only seen the sign up to be notified of pre-order availability. Gonna be so mad if I've missed the PS4 preorder.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Yeah, I don't know either.
Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Yeah, I don't know either.
OK I guess it's up on Amazon UK and Zavvi and several other are hinted but not named.
Also saying PS4 is going to cost more tham XB1 even though neither MS or Sony has released final prices yet.
Not sure how much I trust as a source. Will keep looking and will update.
Remember you can stay current on things by following me on Twitter @TKChillin
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
We can't.
In the uk and Australia, they're preordering.
The stat tk is talking about is uk preorders only, by 2 retailers. Blockbuster (who preorders at blockbuster??) and an "undisclosed" retailer. Mcv is the original source for the info, and according to the comments, even people in the uk are skeptical of the info.
It's not even close to a reliable source or information at this point.
Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by TK Chillin:
Yeah, I don't know either.
OK I guess it's up on Amazon UK and Zavvi and several other are hinted but not named.
Also saying PS4 is going to cost more tham XB1 even though neither MS or Sony has released final prices yet.
Not sure how much I trust as a source. Will keep looking and will update.
Remember you can stay current on things by following me on Twitter @TKChillin
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Are you sure it wasn't M$ employees who got plastered before the reveal?? And then when they announced it, they were the ones that had Xboners??
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
We can't.
In the uk and Australia, they're preordering.
The stat tk is talking about is uk preorders only, by 2 retailers. Blockbuster (who preorders at blockbuster??) and an "undisclosed" retailer. Mcv is the original source for the info, and according to the comments, even people in the uk are skeptical of the info.
It's not even close to a reliable source or information at this point.
Yeah, I read those and a few others. If the info is true, it's a good sign for Microsoft. The overseas market for MS is not as strong as here is the USA. Many people have been predicting that PS4 will out sell XB1 in the foreign markets.
I have been talking to a lot of Gamers and also some non-gamers and the negetivity for XB1 seems to coming from peoples false assumtions about what the new tech can and can't do. It also doesn't help that many web and or blog sites keep repeating the same negative hype even after the issues where answered by MS. Several have flatout admited to me after I called them out on it that, they know the truth, but that dosen't get them Hits on their web sites.
I think MS is making a mistake buy not addressing issues faster. Making people wait 3 or 4 weeks dosen't work that well in todays instant world.
Anyway, I think E3 is gonna be Amazing, and that a lot of people are gonna have egg on their face.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by Kat:
We can't.
In the uk and Australia, they're preordering.
The stat tk is talking about is uk preorders only, by 2 retailers. Blockbuster (who preorders at blockbuster??) and an "undisclosed" retailer. Mcv is the original source for the info, and according to the comments, even people in the uk are skeptical of the info.
It's not even close to a reliable source or information at this point.
Yeah, I read those and a few others. If the info is true, it's a good sign for Microsoft. The overseas market for MS is not as strong as here is the USA. Many people have been predicting that PS4 will out sell XB1 in the foreign markets.
I have been talking to a lot of Gamers and also some non-gamers and the negetivity for XB1 seems to coming from peoples false assumtions about what the new tech can and can't do. It also doesn't help that many web and or blog sites keep repeating the same negative hype even after the issues where answered by MS. Several have flatout admited to me after I called them out on it that, they know the truth, but that dosen't get them Hits on their web sites.
I think MS is making a mistake buy not addressing issues faster. Making people wait 3 or 4 weeks dosen't work that well in todays instant world.
Anyway, I think E3 is gonna be Amazing, and that a lot of people are gonna have egg on their face.
The others you read would have cited this as the source, as it's the article that published the info first. It's not in any way a surprise to me, like I said- who knew you could preorder consoles through blockbuster? Without specific numbers put out, there's a chance you're talking about numbers in the 10s, but as long as one number is higher you've got a headline.
As far as the rest, I do follow you on twitter and didn't find the discussion you mention, but here's my take on it:
Everything people are raging over regarding the xboner are things that were stated, on record, by microsoft's Vice President.
Everything that people defending the console (such as yourself and the articles you rt) are using to refute those facts are coming from unnamed sources, unspecified spokesmen, the q&a on the site and other sources that seem to be off the record. And when you read those articles, not just the splashy headlines but the meat of them, there have been no concrete facts, just a lot of "we'll go into detail later." If it were court, it would be called hearsay and not admitted as evidence. These are not facts and they are not concrete.
Obviously, I'm not a playstation fangirl or an xbox hater. i write for a 360 site. Prior to the "big reveal" I openly spoke out that if ms enacted the policies that had been rumored for over a year, it would be console suicide- and I couldn't imagine that being the case. However when Phil Harrison essentially confirmed verbatim what the "leaks" had been saying this whole time, that didn't leave a lot of questions in my mind about what the plan was.
So basically it comes down to credibility. Do you believe the sources that back up what you want to happen, or do you believe the sources telling you something you don't want to hear. Phil Harrison has more credibility to me than "a Microsoft official speaking on condition of anonymity," to or whatever.
At this point it's all speculation, so saying that anything has been disproved is as incorrect and misleading as what you claim others are doing. We'll have to just wait and see.
If anyone wants a side by side stat chart for all new gen consoles, ign did one. Ps4 data is still incomplete for now:
@TK I found myself laughing at the whole "preorder" thing since the biggest marketplace for the 360 can't even preorder it yet. Just saying.
@Snapple - that is a good point about the third party support. However if one does go no used games and the other allows it, the third parties may not care if everyone is buying the system that allows used games, ie you'll sell more games (in theory) if there are more of that console in people's homes.
@Kat - as usual, some good points. I'm tired of all the rumors and the guys speaking on anonymity. I'll see what actually is revealed at E3, and whether or not they address the used game issue clearly and concisely. Then I will decide on whether or not to preorder it. I still feel I will pick it up eventually as I'm a glutton for punishment/Gamerscore. But I refuse to feed into a MS money jerkoff party when there is no good reason to screw gamers over on used games other than to put more money in their pockets that already have fat wallets. I'll wait for a few months at least

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