Archived: Article Discussion: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
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Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 5:34 am | #151

Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 6:35 am | #152

Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 11:19 am | #154
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Detroit:

I have never once heard anyone say they only use their 360 for watching TV.
If that were the case, then the Xboner reveal would have went over swimmingly.
I've never heard anyone say it, but about a quarter of my friends list looks like this picture. At any given time, the majority of my online friends are doing non-gaming activities.
Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 11:30 am | #155
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Mudkip:
I have never once heard anyone say they only use their 360 for watching TV.
If that were the case, then the Xboner reveal would have went over swimmingly.
I've never heard anyone say it, but about a quarter of my friends list looks like this picture. At any given time, the majority of my online friends are doing non-gaming activities.
Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 12:04 pm | #156
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Mudkip:
I have never once heard anyone say they only use their 360 for watching TV.
If that were the case, then the Xboner reveal would have went over swimmingly.
I've never heard anyone say it, but about a quarter of my friends list looks like this picture. At any given time, the majority of my online friends are doing non-gaming activities.
That's interesting, because at any given time, the majority of my online friends are doing...
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Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 12:52 pm | #157
Quote by Circus:

Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 3:28 pm | #159
I'm not much for posting links but I did read an interview with one of the M$ guy's talking about how the kinect can be set to what ever level of interaction you what it to be. In other words, your in control of what it see's and does. IF true then I'm fine with that. Also he was talking how the dashboard works the same way. you can set it up how ever you what with what ever features you what. That sounds good to me if it means I don't have to look at ads or other crap that I don't care about. Would like to hear more about these types of customised options and if true alleviate some of my fears about what is really going on with Kinect.
Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 7:52 pm | #160
Looks like we might have achievements tied to watching tv and movies and other video sources.
Looks like we might have achievements tied to watching tv and movies and other video sources.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/24/13 10:59 pm | #161
Quote by Tig:
Looks like we might have achievements tied to watching tv and movies and other video sources.
Looks like we might have achievements tied to watching tv and movies and other video sources.
I think this is a Bad Idea....it cheapens your gamerscore!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/25/13 12:25 am | #163
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by TK Chillin:
I think this is a Bad Idea....it cheapens your gamerscore!!!
I just think it's a bad idea overall. As personally I think the way people spam children games and cheap movie tie ins to pad their gamerscore cheapens it.
Re: Re: XBOX ONE - the Next Generation of Xbox
05/25/13 9:34 am | #165
Quote by TK Chillin:
I'm not much for posting links but I did read an interview with one of the M$ guy's talking about how the kinect can be set to what ever level of interaction you what it to be. In other words, your in control of what it see's and does. IF true then I'm fine with that. Also he was talking how the dashboard works the same way. you can set it up how ever you what with what ever features you what. That sounds good to me if it means I don't have to look at ads or other crap that I don't care about. Would like to hear more about these types of customised options and if true alleviate some of my fears about what is really going on with Kinect.
If they are going to let you set how much it sees and hears, why require it? OH RIGHT- because they can have the settings look like they're off and still have the mic running and no one would know. If the government has something that can tap your phone and only start recording when you say certain words, why not MS? And the camera has night vision.

Imagine how much money they can make selling information to advertisers with cameras and mics in millions of homes across the world.
"They say" you can change the settings- pardon me if I'm a bit skeptical of "them."
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