Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Vermillion Haze:
The game is set up in a similar fashion to action games where you follow along narrow pathways with a maximum of 1-2 alternate routes to your next cut scene and subsequent boss. For the most part I can easily overlook the new "direction" as simplistic as it is however the combat is so freaking bland! Every boss battle requires a single strategy which usually just involves you micromanaging job switches and outlasting your opponent. Instead of conductor of a kick ass orchestra, I often just feel like a bored spectator mindlessly queuing up switches and spamming the (A) button.
I'm not sure how I feel about the characters or confusing plot at this point. (Which is odd after 16 + hours) I'm probably going to skip the last 4 chapters and give XIII-2 a try. I hear Tri-Ace (Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean) helped make it more entertaining. FFXIII is not a bad game but I can't figure out why it's considered a good one either. It would have made a phenomenal action-adventure hack and slash experience if the combat didn't undermine it but it's coming up short in the RPG department.
It's considered good for the parts AFTER the linear missions. The side quests and level grinding are pretty fun when you get really difficult enemies. But everyone who skips the end parts misses that part. :/
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
The game is set up in a similar fashion to action games where you follow along narrow pathways with a maximum of 1-2 alternate routes to your next cut scene and subsequent boss. For the most part I can easily overlook the new "direction" as simplistic as it is however the combat is so freaking bland! Every boss battle requires a single strategy which usually just involves you micromanaging job switches and outlasting your opponent. Instead of conductor of a kick ass orchestra, I often just feel like a bored spectator mindlessly queuing up switches and spamming the (A) button.
I'm not sure how I feel about the characters or confusing plot at this point. (Which is odd after 16 + hours) I'm probably going to skip the last 4 chapters and give XIII-2 a try. I hear Tri-Ace (Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean) helped make it more entertaining. FFXIII is not a bad game but I can't figure out why it's considered a good one either. It would have made a phenomenal action-adventure hack and slash experience if the combat didn't undermine it but it's coming up short in the RPG department.
It's considered good for the parts AFTER the linear missions. The side quests and level grinding are pretty fun when you get really difficult enemies. But everyone who skips the end parts misses that part. :/
If a game does not get good until after the 20 hour mark and 75% of the story. Is it really worth it? This is my current conundrum. Especially when XIII-2 offers such a handy "Recap" feature.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
It's considered good for the parts AFTER the linear missions. The side quests and level grinding are pretty fun when you get really difficult enemies. But everyone who skips the end parts misses that part. :/
If a game does not get good until after the 20 hour mark and 75% of the story. Is it really worth it? This is my current conundrum. Especially when XIII-2 offers such a handy "Recap" feature.
Depends on if you're playing the game to experience the game or to just get the story and get to the next game. 20 hours isn't a ton when a game is 100+ hours...
I played through but honestly going to xiii-2 was still really confusing. But I liked the "monster hunting" parts more than the actual story, so I didn't mind taking my time. I didn't care for any of the characters in this one, so I wasn't story driven.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
If a game does not get good until after the 20 hour mark and 75% of the story. Is it really worth it? This is my current conundrum. Especially when XIII-2 offers such a handy "Recap" feature.
Depends on if you're playing the game to experience the game or to just get the story and get to the next game. 20 hours isn't a ton when a game is 100+ hours...
I played through but honestly going to xiii-2 was still really confusing. But I liked the "monster hunting" parts more than the actual story, so I didn't mind taking my time. I didn't care for any of the characters in this one, so I wasn't story driven.
I'm having a terrible time getting behind any of the cast. I do find Snow somewhat endearing since he illustrates how impractical traditional super heroes are. Lightning on the other hand is more like Cloud but without the character development. She is more weapon then protagonist.
I like the story to FF13, but I find it to be put together sloppy. I get where they were going with it, but I think they didn't exactly know what to do with it in the end.
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I like the story to FF13, but I find it to be put together sloppy. I get where they were going with it, but I think they didn't exactly know what to do with it in the end.
there's still a 3rd game coming out!

Quote by AJ:
i'm having this issue as well, i just wanna browse what they have and i keep timing out.
Quote by iKidd:
Exactly why I only leave my house for work and to go buy games. There's not a 'block communications' button for people in real life. Oh, if only there was...
(Well, there's restraining orders, but 'every time he/she opens his/her mouth I just want to hit him/her with a semi truck' isn't a good enough reason to legally get one apparently)
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by iKidd:
Exactly why I only leave my house for work and to go buy games. There's not a 'block communications' button for people in real life. Oh, if only there was...
(Well, there's restraining orders, but 'every time he/she opens his/her mouth I just want to hit him/her with a semi truck' isn't a good enough reason to legally get one apparently)
just pretend you're deaf and you can't hear them.
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by iKidd:
Exactly why I only leave my house for work and to go buy games. There's not a 'block communications' button for people in real life. Oh, if only there was...
(Well, there's restraining orders, but 'every time he/she opens his/her mouth I just want to hit him/her with a semi truck' isn't a good enough reason to legally get one apparently)
If I was single, that would be the same thing that I do. Actually, that is the same thing I did when I was single. But now I have a wife and kids who "want to get out of the house sometimes"
Thinking about getting a degree in accounting. Do you have to deal with people in accounting or can you just get a job at some firm that confines you to a cubicle? Give me that any day of the week. A regular 9 to 5 job, doing the same thing each day, then let me go balls out after work.
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Exactly why I only leave my house for work and to go buy games. There's not a 'block communications' button for people in real life. Oh, if only there was...
(Well, there's restraining orders, but 'every time he/she opens his/her mouth I just want to hit him/her with a semi truck' isn't a good enough reason to legally get one apparently)
If I was single, that would be the same thing that I do. Actually, that is the same thing I did when I was single. But now I have a wife and kids who "want to get out of the house sometimes"
Thinking about getting a degree in accounting. Do you have to deal with people in accounting or can you just get a job at some firm that confines you to a cubicle? Give me that any day of the week. A regular 9 to 5 job, doing the same thing each day, then let me go balls out after work.
Hahaha. XD I got dumped like 2 days ago and I don't even care. I was like "Cool. Now I won't get bitched at for wanting to stay home and play xbox on my day off." What is this "out of the house" you speak of??

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