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Archived: xbox achievements?

Posted Under: Gaming
Re: xbox achievements?
I enjoy the acheivement system more when a game has a tough acheivment that you want to earn and feel proud of. I disagree with the idea of having achievments for multiplayer other than co op, I feel it detracts from the overall experience of playing online matches with some games. not all, just some.
Re: xbox achievements?
Burnt Waffle
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yeah i like how cod4 acheivements are. i like how there is no"boosting" going on in matches
Re: xbox achievements?
Burnt Waffle
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This is one of those ever existing questions when people talk about Xbox 360 titles. They are both a blessing and a curse at the same time. At one point in time, I will admit that I was 'addicted' to gaining achievements. I found myself playing sports titles that I wouldn't normally play and other games just to get the easy points. But what had I really achieved? A number next to a name. So I've all but given up achievement 'whoring'. Looking at achievements, they give gamers that motivation to do things they sometimes wouldn't do. Comparing them to the likes of the extra's we as gamers would unlock for completing games like Resident Evil as fast as possible on the hardest difficulty, or collecting all the pieces of a gun or searching for items that aren't directly related to the game. The achievements give 'meaning' to doing those types of things. So rather than just playing a game on 'easy or rookie' you play it on Hard or Extreme so that when you are done, you have proof that you've done it and you have this sense of accomplishment in doing so. Take a game like Hexic HD. How many people can honestly say that they would attempt to create a Grand Pearl Poohbah had there not been an achievement for it? That game is wicked hard, and creating one takes hours and hours of practice and patience. I can speak from experience on that as I've done it, and have the full 200gs from Hexic HD and Hexic 2. Bottom line for me is that Achievements, taken for what they are, are a good thing. They give gamers something to shoot for.

There are good achievements and bad ones though. Having achievements in Multiplayer for instance is both good and bad. Having them does give people a reason to play ranked multiplayer when they normally would not. And it also pushes them to do things a bit differently, like in Halo 3 for example; the Mongoose Mowdown achievement. Since it is so difficult to do, because the Mongoose controls horribly, has no weapon system on it, you are an open target while riding on it and driving it, and barely does any damage, many people wouldn't normally hop on it and try to run people down with it. But with the achievement there, people try to do it.

Now then you have 'Boosters' that get their achievements by circumventing the system. Have I done it, yeah, for the achievements that are completely ludicrious. Like in Gears of War, all the weapons achievements are complete crap. When you get into a normal ranked match, getting to the weapon you need for an achievement is easier said than done. With the matchmaking system not allowing you to pair up with friends, rather having to hopefully get in the same room, you are forced to 'bargain' with your new found teammates and try and get ahold of the boomshot or torque bow. So instead, people resort to boosting. Setting up matches on certain maps at a certain number of rounds and getting their friends in to help get that measely 20gs. It's achievements like these that detract from the actual multiplayer experience in a game and make it more of a job of sorts, rather than have fun chainsawing someone in half.

As I've said above, I've all but given up on achievements. I go for them, when they are within reach, but no longer will I go out of my way in order to attain them. I'm not going to go out and rent the latest NBA 2k8 or College Sports game just to get points. I'm going to stick to the games I like to play, and gain what I can there. I like to complete my games though. I like having that 1000, 200, 1250, 250, 235 or whatever the maximum amount of score is for my games. Thats just me.
Re: xbox achievements?

Quote by x3h:

This is one of those ever existing questions when people talk about Xbox 360 titles. They are both a blessing and a curse at the same time. At one point in time, I will admit that I was 'addicted' to gaining achievements. I found myself playing sports titles that I wouldn't normally play and other games just to get the easy points. But what had I really achieved? A number next to a name. So I've all but given up achievement 'whoring'. Looking at achievements, they give gamers that motivation to do things they sometimes wouldn't do. Comparing them to the likes of the extra's we as gamers would unlock for completing games like Resident Evil as fast as possible on the hardest difficulty, or collecting all the pieces of a gun or searching for items that aren't directly related to the game. The achievements give 'meaning' to doing those types of things. So rather than just playing a game on 'easy or rookie' you play it on Hard or Extreme so that when you are done, you have proof that you've done it and you have this sense of accomplishment in doing so. Take a game like Hexic HD. How many people can honestly say that they would attempt to create a Grand Pearl Poohbah had there not been an achievement for it? That game is wicked hard, and creating one takes hours and hours of practice and patience. I can speak from experience on that as I've done it, and have the full 200gs from Hexic HD and Hexic 2. Bottom line for me is that Achievements, taken for what they are, are a good thing. They give gamers something to shoot for.

There are good achievements and bad ones though. Having achievements in Multiplayer for instance is both good and bad. Having them does give people a reason to play ranked multiplayer when they normally would not. And it also pushes them to do things a bit differently, like in Halo 3 for example; the Mongoose Mowdown achievement. Since it is so difficult to do, because the Mongoose controls horribly, has no weapon system on it, you are an open target while riding on it and driving it, and barely does any damage, many people wouldn't normally hop on it and try to run people down with it. But with the achievement there, people try to do it.

Now then you have 'Boosters' that get their achievements by circumventing the system. Have I done it, yeah, for the achievements that are completely ludicrious. Like in Gears of War, all the weapons achievements are complete crap. When you get into a normal ranked match, getting to the weapon you need for an achievement is easier said than done. With the matchmaking system not allowing you to pair up with friends, rather having to hopefully get in the same room, you are forced to 'bargain' with your new found teammates and try and get ahold of the boomshot or torque bow. So instead, people resort to boosting. Setting up matches on certain maps at a certain number of rounds and getting their friends in to help get that measely 20gs. It's achievements like these that detract from the actual multiplayer experience in a game and make it more of a job of sorts, rather than have fun chainsawing someone in half.

As I've said above, I've all but given up on achievements. I go for them, when they are within reach, but no longer will I go out of my way in order to attain them. I'm not going to go out and rent the latest NBA 2k8 or College Sports game just to get points. I'm going to stick to the games I like to play, and gain what I can there. I like to complete my games though. I like having that 1000, 200, 1250, 250, 235 or whatever the maximum amount of score is for my games. Thats just me.

well put,
Re: xbox achievements?
Burnt Waffle
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Inspiring and true
Re: xbox achievements?
Xbox America Friend
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achievements are great, but they've changed me as a gamer, to put it honestly.
i work at completing every game i play (achievement wise) and so i usually look at a game's achievements before buying one. if it has alot of grind achievements (get 1000 headshots, etc.) i generally won't buy it. kinda stupid, really, but that's just how i roll.

and just to set things straight, i don't care about my gamerscore at all, really. i just like having my games complete.
Re: xbox achievements?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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i loved sports games before achievements, loved them the first year or two of achievements. now i hate them because im not willing to try to get 56 rebounds in a game, by glitching or something like that. how many teams even miss 56 shots in one game!? damn u gilbert
Re: xbox achievements?
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Quote by Lord Fragg:

achievements are great, but they've changed me as a gamer, to put it honestly.
i work at completing every game i play (achievement wise) and so i usually look at a game's achievements before buying one. if it has alot of grind achievements (get 1000 headshots, etc.) i generally won't buy it. kinda stupid, really, but that's just how i roll.

and just to set things straight, i don't care about my gamerscore at all, really. i just like having my games complete.

I feel you man stupid achievements piss me off when I want 100% completetion
Re: xbox achievements?
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i hear that.
Re: xbox achievements?
Burnt Waffle
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I don't really care either way. If I happen to get one while playing a game, then fine. If I don't, that's fine too. However, I have found myself trying to get all of them on Lost Odyssey, but thats just because I want to complete all of the games sidequests.
Re: xbox achievements?
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Before the 360 I almost never finished a game. I'd get so far and just stop and get a new game and play that for awhile. The up side of that is that I have huge game collections. I never get rid of or trade in a game . ( My wife says I need help.) The down side (besides spending way to much money) is that I never really felt satisfied with any game that I played. Even games like GTA, I would start the missions but by like mission 4 or 5 I was just screwing around blowing up cop cars and running down hookers. I will now take this moment the thank MS from saving me from a life of no gaming satisfation. Achievement have changed the way I Play and feel about gaming. And it's also easier on my wallet as I spend more time with the games that I am playing.
Re: xbox achievements?
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Quote by TK Chillin:

I will now take this moment the thank MS from saving me from a life of no gaming satisfaction. Achievement have changed the way I Play and feel about gaming. And it's also easier on my wallet as I spend more time with the games that I am playing.

And their goes another satisfied customer ladies and gents!!!!!!
Re: xbox achievements?
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Yeah I was the same way TK, I stick with games way longer now, plus I rent and play stuff I normally never would and end up enjoying it usually, like X-Men
Re: xbox achievements?
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Achievements just make the game funnier. Plus they are the greatest bragging rights
Re: xbox achievements?
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Quote by ReverendMeta:

Yeah I was the same way TK, I stick with games way longer now, plus I rent and play stuff I normally never would and end up enjoying it usually, like X-Men

True that!
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