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Archived: xbox achievements?
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xbox achievements?
03/15/07 10:59 pm | #1
Ok I was wondering how you guys felt about achievements points and how much they effect how you play?
For me I think they are very cool and I find myself getting allot more play times out of my games. But every once and a while I will find myself playing games just for the achievements and having no fun at all, so sometimes they do get in the way of me having fun.
EDIT: option 1 and 2 are the 1st and 3rd on the list.
Re: xbox achievements?
03/16/07 5:57 am | #2
I really enjoy achievements. When I start playing a game, I'll glance at the achievement list first. If there are achievements for the hardest difficulty, I'll start at the highest difficulty. I think they kinda push me to get more out of the game. I'm not crazy about them to where I'd actually go rent a game just for it's achievement points (except maybe for that xbox rewards program).
Re: xbox achievements?
03/16/07 9:54 am | #3
they give you something to do when you beat the game
Re: xbox achievements?
03/17/07 12:24 am | #4
I picked Love them and they make me enjoy my games more
Re: xbox achievements?
03/17/07 2:03 am | #5
yah, achivments do make playing games funner, but somtimes like alzapa, i find myself trying to get an achivement even though im not having that much fun. Overall achievments do make me love to play 360 more
Re: xbox achievements?
09/07/07 8:14 pm | #6
acheivments gives u something to work for instead of just playing with out any motavation
Re: xbox achievements?
09/27/07 2:10 am | #7
Quote by ADA Prey:
yah, achivments do make playing games funner, but somtimes like alzapa, i find myself trying to get an achivement even though im not having that much fun. Overall achievments do make me love to play 360 more
I feel the exact same way. Overall, I really like them. I think they are a great addition to gaming that increases gameplay. You just have to keep yourself from getting "sucked in" to it all and reducing the fun factor.
Re: xbox achievements?
10/04/07 10:16 pm | #8
Re: xbox achievements?
10/05/07 7:51 am | #9
I don't necessarily go completely out of my way to get them, but if I think I can get them, then I'll go for them.
Re: xbox achievements?
10/05/07 12:08 pm | #10
love acheivements there fun to get
Re: xbox achievements?
10/05/07 8:57 pm | #11
0 point achievements really piss me off.
Re: xbox achievements?
10/05/07 9:51 pm | #12
haha. like the suicide king acheivment on F.E.A.R.
Re: xbox achievements?
10/06/07 6:13 am | #13
Achievements is what makes the Xbox 360 different from other systems. I love getting the pop
Re: xbox achievements?
10/06/07 7:59 am | #14
I love them, it is just like a good feeling knowing you accomplished something, and have something to prove it
Re: xbox achievements?
10/17/07 3:11 pm | #15
to be honest, if it weren't for achievements... i probably wouldnt have finished as much games as i have. It gives longevity to the games and its an awesome idea the thought of
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