Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
things broken steel added:
an amended ending because the first was so awful
you can play after the ending where you DIE (lolwut good storytelling)
added level cap
you mean Obsidian didn't double back and change their story like Bethseda, and added levels each dlc?
oh man FO 3 was the best ever!
I'm done arguing about it. The fact you both think NV had a good story line is enough to assume that we won't see eye to eye on this. Make a Obsidian thread if you wan't to discuss it further. We can chat about how shitty Alpha Protocol was compared to Fallout NV. It will be great.
Haha I didn't think this thread would put people at each others throat.
IMO Fallout 3 and New Vegas were both amazing titles, each with there own flaws regarding story and DLC.
Fallout 3 - Operation Anchorage / New Vegas - Honest Hearts =

Fallout 3 - Point Lookout / New Vegas - Old World Blues =
Also IMO The Brotherhood of Steele and the Enclave are two factions that made Fallout 3 awesome. Sadly New Vegas had very little to do with the Brotherhood of Steele and *spoiler* if you chose to, you can destroy the Brotherhood from the Mojave.
All this talk makes me hunger for more Fallout....must download Fallout 3 for PC.
Edit- Has anyone played the Fallout game for the original Xbox/PS2? I think it was called Fallout Brotherhood of Steele.