Archived: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
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Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 12:18 am | #31
Fallout 4 please. And it better not be next gen exclusive.
Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 1:02 am | #32
Quote by IRiSH:
Fallout 4 please. And it better not be next gen exclusive.
it will be on pc too

Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 1:10 am | #33
What I want the most from Bethesda is for them to stay away from fucking Fallout. Obsidian... Obsidian... Obsidian...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 1:10 am | #34
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
That would be fine if I liked MMO's, but I do not. The reason I will buy the next Bethesda title (Elder Scrolls or Fallout Series) on PC is the mods. I played FO3 on the PC will a bunch of mods and it was an entirely different game than the FO3 that I played on the console.
Yea I've never gotten into the MMO scene, always loved the fact that I controlled everything myself in games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout. This time around with The Elder Scrolls MMO, I'm super excited to be able to trade/sale weapons and armor and have a buddy to join me in intense battles.
As for PC mods, your absolutely rite. Play Fallout on the 360, it's awesome. Play Fallout on the PC with mods and it's fucking awesome! A friend of mine has a Fatman that will obliterate an entire city with one mini nuke. @__@
Check out this Fallout 3 zombie apocalypse mod. It's amazing, wish I can play it!!! <3
Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 1:12 am | #35
Quote by theEVOL1:
I want Bethesda to make an Elder Scrolls movie, and I want them to be extremely picky about the people who make it.
Haha I thought you were gonna say you wanted them to be picky about the people who saw it.
But that wouldn't be as great as you'd think. The point of Elder Scrolls is choice and feeling like you're a part of the story. Your game experience varies based on your choices and how you play. Watching it wouldn't be right. You're just all worked up by that Tom cruise movie.

Quote by Miss Allen86:
Quote by theEVOL1:
I want Bethesda to make an Elder Scrolls movie, and I want them to be extremely picky about the people who make it.
That would be amazing I'm sure but I think the closes were going to get is The Game of Thrones.
Pretty much Skyrim cut and paste.
Umm... No. Wtf.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 3:46 am | #36
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
That would be amazing I'm sure but I think the closes were going to get is The Game of Thrones.
Pretty much Skyrim cut and paste.
Matter of fact, they should get George R R Martin to write a screenplay and get the Game of Thrones production teams in touch with Bethesda's Elder Scrolls developers.
They could do an epic movie for Oblivion's main story, or they could do a trilogy and 1 movie be Morrowind, 1 be Oblivion/Shattered Isles, and the last one Skyrim.
if it was written by martin then it would never come out
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 8:29 am | #37
Quote by Kat:
Quote by theEVOL1:
I want Bethesda to make an Elder Scrolls movie, and I want them to be extremely picky about the people who make it.
Haha I thought you were gonna say you wanted them to be picky about the people who saw it.
But that wouldn't be as great as you'd think. The point of Elder Scrolls is choice and feeling like you're a part of the story. Your game experience varies based on your choices and how you play. Watching it wouldn't be right. You're just all worked up by that Tom cruise movie.

Quote by Miss Allen86:
That would be amazing I'm sure but I think the closes were going to get is The Game of Thrones.
Pretty much Skyrim cut and paste.
Umm... No. Wtf.
Ok, Skyrim isn't The Game of Thrones cut and paste. One is obviously a video game and the other is a tv show but you certainly can't deny there are major similarities.
Skyrim has a Medieval setting, The Game of Thrones has a Medieval setting.
Skyrim has Dragons, The Game of Thrones has dragons....and they're sooo cute!!! >_<
Skyrim has Draugr, The Game of Thrones has White Walkers.
Skyrim has harsh wintery climates, The Games of Thrones has harsh wintery climates and a really big wall.
Skyrim has Solitude, The Game of Thrones has King's Landing.
Skyrim has big hairy men that want to kill everything, The Game of Thrones has big hairy men that want to kill everything.
Really I can go on much longer but I think you can get the point. Now one thing they don't have in common, is the fact that The Game of Thrones has lots and lots of boobies. I'm sure Bethesda is taking notes on that for the next Elder Scrolls Installment. =^_^=
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 9:17 am | #38
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
That would be amazing I'm sure but I think the closes were going to get is The Game of Thrones.
Pretty much Skyrim cut and paste.
Matter of fact, they should get George R R Martin to write a screenplay and get the Game of Thrones production teams in touch with Bethesda's Elder Scrolls developers.
They could do an epic movie for Oblivion's main story, or they could do a trilogy and 1 movie be Morrowind, 1 be Oblivion/Shattered Isles, and the last one Skyrim.
No. George R R Martin is busy writing. If he gets involved in this he will never finish Game of Thrones!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 10:48 am | #39
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Quote by Kat:
Haha I thought you were gonna say you wanted them to be picky about the people who saw it.
But that wouldn't be as great as you'd think. The point of Elder Scrolls is choice and feeling like you're a part of the story. Your game experience varies based on your choices and how you play. Watching it wouldn't be right. You're just all worked up by that Tom cruise movie.

Umm... No. Wtf.
Ok, Skyrim isn't The Game of Thrones cut and paste. One is obviously a video game and the other is a tv show but you certainly can't deny there are major similarities.
Skyrim has a Medieval setting, The Game of Thrones has a Medieval setting.
Skyrim has Dragons, The Game of Thrones has dragons....and they're sooo cute!!! >_<
Skyrim has Draugr, The Game of Thrones has White Walkers.
Skyrim has harsh wintery climates, The Games of Thrones has harsh wintery climates and a really big wall.
Skyrim has Solitude, The Game of Thrones has King's Landing.
Skyrim has big hairy men that want to kill everything, The Game of Thrones has big hairy men that want to kill everything.
Really I can go on much longer but I think you can get the point. Now one thing they don't have in common, is the fact that The Game of Thrones has lots and lots of boobies. I'm sure Bethesda is taking notes on that for the next Elder Scrolls Installment. =^_^=
Then basically every fantasy series is a cut and paste of each other. Again- kids take note- this is called recurring themes, and it has to do with the genre involved, not a specific game (*cough*final fantasy vs lost odyssey *cough cough*)
Game of Thrones was published in 1996 (meaning he probably started writing in the 70s) and borrows heavily from other fantasy epics so, if anything, Bethesda cut and pasted from GRRM- as well as many other authors and video game designers, I suppose.
For Bethesda to make a movie they would have to come up with a decent plot, and that seems to be a weak point for their games. Even when they have interesting characters and entertaining side quests, their main overarching plot is a snooze.
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 12:08 pm | #40
a new elder scrolls would be nice too
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 1:54 pm | #41
I get what Miss Allen's saying. On top of what she said, there's also the fact that both Tamriel and Westoros are split into feudal king-states specifically.
And both had dragons a long time ago and now they are coming back as part of some prophecy and fated events.
And both have a whole bunch of supernatural creatures waiting just beyond the populated borders to slaughter everybody. In ES's world Nirn it's the draugr, Daedra and other things on the plane of Oblivion; in Song of Ice and Fire it's the Others like the white walkers and the wildlings.
Both use specific combinations of quasi-historical cultures to delineate groups and areas. Skyrim is the ES equivalent to Game of Thrones' Winterfell--both have heavy Nordic themes and liege lords who are more concerned for their local populations than the greater political conflict.
I am sure the producers and designers for the HBO series version of Game of Thrones weren't blind to the popularity and success of Oblivion and Skyrim, just as GrrM drew inspiration not only from pen & paper RPGs but from the pop culture that started surrounding them. Kids, take note--the specific production values of Skyrim and Game of Thrones are far more similar than they are different. There are indeed recurring themes, and recurring character types as well.
And both had dragons a long time ago and now they are coming back as part of some prophecy and fated events.
And both have a whole bunch of supernatural creatures waiting just beyond the populated borders to slaughter everybody. In ES's world Nirn it's the draugr, Daedra and other things on the plane of Oblivion; in Song of Ice and Fire it's the Others like the white walkers and the wildlings.
Both use specific combinations of quasi-historical cultures to delineate groups and areas. Skyrim is the ES equivalent to Game of Thrones' Winterfell--both have heavy Nordic themes and liege lords who are more concerned for their local populations than the greater political conflict.
I am sure the producers and designers for the HBO series version of Game of Thrones weren't blind to the popularity and success of Oblivion and Skyrim, just as GrrM drew inspiration not only from pen & paper RPGs but from the pop culture that started surrounding them. Kids, take note--the specific production values of Skyrim and Game of Thrones are far more similar than they are different. There are indeed recurring themes, and recurring character types as well.
Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 8:40 pm | #42
Quote by Kat:
What I want the most from Bethesda is for them to stay away from fucking Fallout. Obsidian... Obsidian... Obsidian...
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?

No offense to Obsidian the developers behind great games such as, KOTOR II, Never Winter Nights 2, Dungeon Siege III and of course "one of my favorite games" Fallout New Vegas but can you honestly say they are the better developer for the Fallout series.
Fallout 3/Bethesda > Fallout New Vegas/Obsidian. <3

I'm curious to see what Obsidian does with South Park The Stick of Truth.
Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 8:53 pm | #43
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Quote by Kat:
What I want the most from Bethesda is for them to stay away from fucking Fallout. Obsidian... Obsidian... Obsidian...
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?

No offense to Obsidian the developers behind behind great games such as, KOTOR II, Never Winter Nights 2, Dungeon Siege III, and of course "one of my favorite games" Fallout New Vegas but can you honestly say they are the better developer for the Fallout series.
Fallout 3/Bethesda > Fallout New Vegas/Obsidian. <3

I'm curious to see what Obsidian does with South Park The Stick of Truth.
Fallout 3 is by far the superior product. NV was upon it's release a unfinished, unpolished terd that took 5 patches to even be completely playable. I enjoyed it but comparing the two is night and day. One is a masterpiece and one makes me physically ill thinking about how many times I had to restart the damn thing due to glitches.
If this was a "What do you want from Obsidian" thread I would ask for KOTOR 3 as KOTOR 1-2 might be the best regular Xbox games (and certainly best Star Wars) games of all time. Morrowind of course being in contention for the title as well.
Obsidian vs Bethesda is always a fun topic

I don't think they are very relevant anymore though. It's more like Bioware vs Bethesda now.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 9:00 pm | #44
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?

No offense to Obsidian the developers behind behind great games such as, KOTOR II, Never Winter Nights 2, Dungeon Siege III, and of course "one of my favorite games" Fallout New Vegas but can you honestly say they are the better developer for the Fallout series.
Fallout 3/Bethesda > Fallout New Vegas/Obsidian. <3

I'm curious to see what Obsidian does with South Park The Stick of Truth.
Fallout 3 is by far the superior product. NV was upon it's release a unfinished, unpolished terd that took 5 patches to even be completely playable. I enjoyed it but comparing the two is night and day. One is a masterpiece and one makes me physically ill thinking about how many times I had to restart the damn thing due to glitches.
If this was a "What do you want from Obsidian" thread I would ask for KOTOR 3 as KOTOR 1 might be the best regular Xbox game (and certainly best Star Wars) game of all time. Morrowind of course being in contention for the title as well.
you mean unfinished like every game bethseda puts out? that's pot/kettle situation. you obviously don't remember FO 3, Oblivion, or SKyrim at launch if you think it was just obsidian.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
07/28/13 9:07 pm | #45
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Fallout 3 is by far the superior product. NV was upon it's release a unfinished, unpolished terd that took 5 patches to even be completely playable. I enjoyed it but comparing the two is night and day. One is a masterpiece and one makes me physically ill thinking about how many times I had to restart the damn thing due to glitches.
If this was a "What do you want from Obsidian" thread I would ask for KOTOR 3 as KOTOR 1 might be the best regular Xbox game (and certainly best Star Wars) game of all time. Morrowind of course being in contention for the title as well.
you mean unfinished like every game bethseda puts out? that's pot/kettle situation. you obviously don't remember FO 3, Oblivion, or SKyrim at launch if you think it was just obsidian.
I beat both Oblivion and FO3 without the internet and it's handy patches and only experienced minor issues. Skyrim remains slightly buggy but might be the best game on the 360 as a whole. NV is by far the worst offender as it hindered me from advancing in the game on multiple occasions and continues to randomly crash on me through multiple copies and consoles to this day. Unfortunately that was just the tip of the glitch iceberg.
Edit: Do I really need to bring up "Alpha Protocol"? Obsidian's batting average has plummeted in recent years.