Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
you mean unfinished like every game bethseda puts out? that's pot/kettle situation. you obviously don't remember FO 3, Oblivion, or SKyrim at launch if you think it was just obsidian.
I beat both Oblivion and FO3 without the internet and it's handy patches and only experienced minor issues. Skyrim remains slightly buggy but might be the best game on the 360 as a whole. NV is by far the worst offender as it hindered me from advancing in the game on multiple occasions and continues to randomly crash on me through multiple copies and consoles to this day. Unfortunately that was just the tip of the glitch iceberg.
Edit: Do I really need to bring up "Alpha Protocol"? Obsidian's batting average has plummeted in recent years.
KOTOR I and KOTOR II are without a doubt two of the best games for the original Xbox but correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't KOTOR I developed by Bioware.
As for Bethesda releasing unfinished games, that's just not true. I've played most, if not all the big RPGs Bethesda has released and I will agree that some games you will experience minor to slightly bigger bugs but that certainly does not constitute these games as unfinished products.
Honestly speaking on Bethesdas behalf, what other developer (besides Obsidian) has the cojones to take on a project as vast and beautiful, with almost boundless choices to make. Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim were all buggy in different degrees but 5 star games rite out of the gate.
Worst glitch for me in Morrowind after playing over 50 hours. All my gear disappeared after I left it in a chest, in my home.

Worst glitch in Oblivion after playing over 50 hours. A character that was following me mysteriously disappeared, I didn't realize, saved my game and was never able to complete that specific quest.

Worst glitch in Skyrim....I'll just be honest there were quite a few but I was still able to finish the game.

Unfortunately a similar issue that all Bethesda games seem to have,would have to be the game freezing randomly. Fucking hate being in the middle of a quest, didn't save and the game freezes.