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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 2:34 am | #20881
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
There is a way you can avoid paying the $17 for it. Dine and dash it. I would not recommend it if you are naturally a slow runner or in your case where they might be a potential hazard of your meatbags beating you in the face as you tried to make your escape.
Or go on a date without Evol's knowledge, and have the guy pay. That could work too.
Ah ha. So then Evol can beat me in the face with my "meatbags."
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 3:46 am | #20882
Ended up with 430 in Rayman. There's still a couple things I can do, but man, some of those levels are hard as hell.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 10:41 am | #20883
Quote by AJ:
Ended up with 430 in Rayman. There's still a couple things I can do, but man, some of those levels are hard as hell.
Which means I will be avoiding that game. If you say that it's a hard game then it's going to be impossible for me.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 11:03 am | #20884
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by AJ:
Ended up with 430 in Rayman. There's still a couple things I can do, but man, some of those levels are hard as hell.
Which means I will be avoiding that game. If you say that it's a hard game then it's going to be impossible for me.
It depends on your level of skill in platforming games really. I didn't find any of the levels particularly difficult except for a few invasion levels.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 1:41 pm | #20885
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Which means I will be avoiding that game. If you say that it's a hard game then it's going to be impossible for me.
It depends on your level of skill in platforming games really. I didn't find any of the levels particularly difficult except for a few invasion levels.
Really? Legends? I found Origins to be very doable with some retries but Legends became incredibly difficult like halfway through.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 2:16 pm | #20886
Quote by Meta:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
It depends on your level of skill in platforming games really. I didn't find any of the levels particularly difficult except for a few invasion levels.
Really? Legends? I found Origins to be very doable with some retries but Legends became incredibly difficult like halfway through.
Hm weird? I didn't have an issue with a good majority of the levels when playing rayman legends. It's my second time playing it and still don't have any, that's strange.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 2:20 pm | #20887
Not incredibly difficult. But I was trying to get all the speedrun paintings to 3 teensies. Those are crazy hard to do in under 40 seconds.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 5:35 pm | #20888
I got a letter home that my son may have been exposed to strep. I hate strep sooooo much. Can't wait for our new insurance to kick in for evol's new job so I can stop dreading every disease going around!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 6:16 pm | #20889
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Which means I will be avoiding that game. If you say that it's a hard game then it's going to be impossible for me.
It depends on your level of skill in platforming games really. I didn't find any of the levels particularly difficult except for a few invasion levels.
I am horrible at platformers so I avoid them. AJ is (still might be) the record holder for a runs in Trials Evolution which I couldn't play if my life depended on it. If he says they are hard then a person like me that is terrible at platformers would be better off just steering clear. 
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 6:21 pm | #20890
Correction still is for Trials Evolution AND Trials HD. Feel free to consult this website:
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 8:16 pm | #20891
Very first season of pokemon is on Netflix.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 9:53 pm | #20892
I checked that website. They found out you think Lost is a better show than Game of Thrones so your rank is being stripped and your records deleted. Turns out they have rules against shit-for-brains being on their leaderboards.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 9:57 pm | #20893
Quote by Meta:
I checked that website.
They found out you think Lost is a better show than Game of Thrones so your rank is being stripped and your records deleted. Turns out they have rules against shit-for-brains being on their leaderboards.
I concur with this decision.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 9:59 pm | #20894
Quote by Meta:
I checked that website. They found out you think Lost is a better show than Game of Thrones so your rank is being stripped and your records deleted. Turns out they have rules against shit-for-brains being on their leaderboards.
No wonder why you aren't allowed to play them at all.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/03/14 11:34 pm | #20895
Jessica Simpson has a pretty annoying speaking voice. Her weight watchers commercial hurts my ears. :/
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