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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 2:23 pm | #20926
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
It's free pancake day at IHOP and the closest one to my college is 45 minutes away
I guess the question is, how badly do I want pancakes?
You know you want those flapjacks.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 6:46 pm | #20927
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
It's free pancake day at IHOP and the closest one to my college is 45 minutes away
I guess the question is, how badly do I want pancakes?
The last 2 times I've been to IHOP, someone has had a hair in their eggs. Different restaurants, too. :/
I'm deciding if I want to drive 20 minutes to get a box of tacos from Taco Bell.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 7:20 pm | #20928
Quote by Kat:
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
It's free pancake day at IHOP and the closest one to my college is 45 minutes away
I guess the question is, how badly do I want pancakes?
The last 2 times I've been to IHOP, someone has had a hair in their eggs. Different restaurants, too. :/
I'm deciding if I want to drive 20 minutes to get a box of tacos from Taco Bell.

I was telling AJ earlier about the dubious nature of some IHOP locations.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #20929
Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 8:29 pm | #20930
I'll admit, there are some pretty sketchy IHOPs out there. The one back home is really nice in comparison. It's near a mall so you only get shoppers there. No sketchy people.
Anyway, I didn't get my free pancakes :/
Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 8:47 pm | #20931
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 9:00 pm | #20932
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
I'll admit, there are some pretty sketchy IHOPs out there. The one back home is really nice in comparison. It's near a mall so you only get shoppers there. No sketchy people.
Anyway, I didn't get my free pancakes :/
I missed this too.
The 2 IHOPs closest to me are both well-kept, though one of them has a trucker crowd that frequents the front half and may be rougher-looking and louder than some prefer.
A few of the IHOPs down in SW Houston are like frontier territory and you get a complimentary knife with your set of table syrups.
I like IHOP a lot, though. It's a ton of food, unhealthy as all hell, but usually tastes good, has some interesting surprises on the menu, and if you aren't familiar with the location it is an entertaining crap-shoot as far as "ambiance" is concerned.
LOL Mudkip you shut-in germaphobe, you're so charming.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 9:04 pm | #20933
Quote by Meta:
Quote by RissaGoesRawr:
I'll admit, there are some pretty sketchy IHOPs out there. The one back home is really nice in comparison. It's near a mall so you only get shoppers there. No sketchy people.
Anyway, I didn't get my free pancakes :/
I missed this too.
The 2 IHOPs closest to me are both well-kept, though one of them has a trucker crowd that frequents the front half and may be rougher-looking and louder than some prefer.
A few of the IHOPs down in SW Houston are like frontier territory and you get a complimentary knife with your set of table syrups.
I like IHOP a lot, though. It's a ton of food, unhealthy as all hell, but usually tastes good, has some interesting surprises on the menu, and if you aren't familiar with the location it is an entertaining crap-shoot as far as "ambiance" is concerned.
LOL Mudkip you shut-in germaphobe, you're so charming.

You promised me pancakes if I fooled around with you and I haven't received my pancakes.
Last time I ever spend $10 at main event for you.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #20934
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 9:29 pm | #20935
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Meta:
LOL Mudkip you shut-in germaphobe, you're so charming.

Oh stop it Meta, I bet you say that to everyone.
Only to stone-cold studs that want to tag-team Emma Stone with me.
So, you and Daniel, mainly.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 9:40 pm | #20936
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mudkip:
Oh stop it Meta, I bet you say that to everyone.
Only to stone-cold studs that want to tag-team Emma Stone with me.
So, you and Daniel, mainly.

12/31/69 7:00 pm | #20937
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #20938
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/05/14 11:16 pm | #20939
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Mindy:
I was telling AJ earlier about the dubious nature of some IHOP locations.
Some locations?
If I want pancakes I'll stay home and make them. Cheaper,faster and way fucking cleaner.
That's what I did tonight!!!! Chocolate chip pancakes and almond whipping cream! Way better than IHOP anyway!
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #20940
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