Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Pretty sure decapitations, graphic torture, cannibalism, drug use and alcohol attributed to that. The game also "Talks" about rape and genocide etc. just to name a few topics. Try reading the books sometime.
The Lusty Argonian Maid is a good read.
Not for kids...

I highly doubt he'll read any of the books, or even be able to understand it, with 1st grade English. The head explosions in Fallout I would say yeah, that's a bit much- but the only thing questionable in Skyrim is when you crit a monster & it shows a death animation- like you sticking your mace in a goblin's neck- but even then, it's pretty tame. Alcohol and drug use? There's taverns, & you can get drunk, but it's not like Mass Effect 2 seeing seductive Asari dancing front & center in Afterlife 1hr in. I remember in Oblivion there's a bit too much demonic stuff happening inside the gates, walking on bridges of human flesh, for instance, but I don't recall that same level of gore in Skyrim. I'm planning to say that this game's more for his Dad, (getting him others too).
At least the box doesn't say 'nudity'. Why does Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 have "nudity" with a Teen rating!? Dammit Morrigan! Cover those puppies up!