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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 9:39 am | #18436
Whooo! We just got approved for our first apartment! I'm so excited!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 10:41 am | #18437
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Seriously- screw Final Fantasy XIII. Liked XIII-2 a lot, fun ride. But I wanted to "beat" XIII before Xbox One release, because if not, I'd probably never touch it again. BARELY made it past Orphan. A game that's devoid of its RPG routes, a narrow corridor, then ups the difficulty by 500% during the last chapter. Screw you Square. FAQs said "OMG didn't even need to heal on Orphan". Go screw yourself. Yeah, maybe you can grind for 100+ hours- but I had MAX levels on ALL the main jobs, & that last boss was hard as hell. A pale comparison to FFIV, FFVI, FVII, FVIII, back when things mattered. It's sad when I just wanted the end-game achievement, & note that "yeah I beat it" on a Final Fantasy game. The first game started because Square was going out of business, so poured their heart into their last run. Of course, the people that made that game great- were fired, & moved on. From the programmers, to the music composer, to the executives. FFXIII-2 was still "fun", & harkened me back to some Chrono Trigger elements.
But no, this wasn't fun. I didn't finish FFXII not out of passion, but because I couldn't pay my rent at the time- & I still enjoyed the "light" MMO elements. FFXIII, what the hell. I was listening to podcasts trying to finish you. And that is a damn corporate shame.
Well, yeah- the game is super easy because it's pretty much linear and doesn't give you many places to grind, but when it opens up and you can do the hunts and side quests, you're supposed to do them-- and the difficulty is harder at that point since most people are leveling up.
I didn't find anything difficult besides some of the monster hunts, idk.
Ffxiii-2 was fun, but super easy mode. And not very final fantasy-y.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 11:00 am | #18438
I have the sudden desire to buy the Dishonored GOTY edition.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 11:42 am | #18439
it a good a beautiful day seize the day grab life by the throat
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 3:03 pm | #18440
I can't wait to play video games on Friday night... XBONE and Mario: Cat Edition!
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 4:43 pm | #18441
Will someone please explain to me what the fascination is with seeing someone's misery?? This morning on the way to school there were a few accidents. Three to be exact. Why is it that EVERYONE has to slow down to look at the accident victims? I say leave them alone and get on with YOUR life.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 4:44 pm | #18442
Misery enjoys company thats why.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 7:02 pm | #18443
These Forza 5 reviews... making me interested. Ryse reviews tomorrow.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18444
Re: Random Thoughts
11/20/13 9:44 pm | #18445
Here's where you can download the Xbox One day-one patch NOW & put it on a USB stick, in case the servers are down like at the PS4 launch:
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/13 12:36 am | #18446
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Will someone please explain to me what the fascination is with seeing someone's misery?? This morning on the way to school there were a few accidents. Three to be exact. Why is it that EVERYONE has to slow down to look at the accident victims? I say leave them alone and get on with YOUR life.
Could be they slowed down because that's the appropriate thing to do.
Yes, slowing down for caution is one thing, but when you stop your car - in the middle of traffic - in order to look at a traffic accident and backing up all of the traffic behind you?? How could that possibly be appropriate?
Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/13 1:15 am | #18447
Why is this generation so sensitive? People crying over what someone said on a facebook page. I do understand that cyberbullying is like one of the big things now a days but i guess i just dont understand why. People say shit about me on the internet all the time. Hell, if someone had the balls to say something to my face id prolly just laugh at them.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/13 11:36 am | #18448
Quote by slicknick3822:
Why is this generation so sensitive? People crying over what someone said on a facebook page. I do understand that cyberbullying is like one of the big things now a days but i guess i just dont understand why. People say shit about me on the internet all the time. Hell, if someone had the balls to say something to my face id prolly just laugh at them.
i have the same problems but what u going to do if people had balls they wouldnt be saying shit on theinernet
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18449
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/21/13 1:10 pm | #18450
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Yes, slowing down for caution is one thing, but when you stop your car - in the middle of traffic - in order to look at a traffic accident and backing up all of the traffic behind you?? How could that possibly be appropriate?
Slowing and stopping are two different things, so yeah if they were stopping then you have a right to be angry.
It gets worse, they were taking pictures with their cell phones.
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