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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
11/28/14 8:54 pm | #1381
Bioshock 2, does it have the difficulty glitch like the first game does where you can switch it to hard at the very end and it'll unlock? I see people saying it does and others it doesn't....and I just tried it myself and it didn't work and is their some cutoff point in which it has to be done? Just wondering if I'm gonna have to go through on hard now...
Re: Random Gaming
11/29/14 1:12 am | #1382
I was playing Diablo 3 with my kids in co-op tonite. 4 player couch co-op. We haven't had the chance to do that in a really long time. No split screen here - 4 player shared screen. The last time we did that it was Castle Crashers. We had a lot of fun, too. The only down side was trying to figure out equipment and stats and assigning spells to which buttons. Every time we had to do that kind of thing, gameplay came to a screeching halt. P1, your turn, P2, your turn, P3, your turn, P4, your turn... Now we can play again...
We still had fun though!!
Re: Random Gaming
11/29/14 9:30 pm | #1383
Rented Call of Duty: AW.
Prolly going to set up streaming for Call of Booty: Advanced Drunkfare here soon for some online shenanigans, you know the link.
Re: Random Gaming
11/30/14 8:54 am | #1384
Anyone wanna help me boost Madden 15 MUT achievements
Re: Random Gaming
12/04/14 10:14 am | #1385
I was looking around in TA last night and I have discovered that Diablo 3 and Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil edition are 2 separate games or at least it looks that way. If that's true, it gonna be a while before I play the regular edition - this game is already enough of a grind.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/04/14 1:43 pm | #1386
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I was looking around in TA last night and I have discovered that Diablo 3 and Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil edition are 2 separate games or at least it looks that way. If that's true, it gonna be a while before I play the regular edition - this game is already enough of a grind.
Yeah they're 2 games with 2 different achievement lists.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/04/14 3:29 pm | #1387
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I was playing Diablo 3 with my kids in co-op tonite. 4 player couch co-op. We haven't had the chance to do that in a really long time. No split screen here - 4 player shared screen. The last time we did that it was Castle Crashers. We had a lot of fun, too. The only down side was trying to figure out equipment and stats and assigning spells to which buttons. Every time we had to do that kind of thing, gameplay came to a screeching halt. P1, your turn, P2, your turn, P3, your turn, P4, your turn... Now we can play again...
We still had fun though!!
Another good game to do this with is mine craft. I did this with three other family members and it's always a good time. Building your own house to rival your siblings and one up then adds a competitive component to the co op experience.
Re: Random Gaming
12/05/14 12:21 pm | #1388
street fighter 5 is ps4 and pc exclusive
Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 11:38 am | #1390
Does anyone know if you can import save between Diablo 3 games??
Just for clarification - Ultimate Evil edition and the regular version.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 11:40 am | #1391
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Does anyone know if you can import save between Diablo 3 games??
Just for clarification - Ultimate Evil edition and the regular version.
They only import up, from regular to UEE. You can also "re-import" a UEE save over your current one, but the regular edition only allows exporting.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 11:42 am | #1392
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Does anyone know if you can import save between Diablo 3 games??
Just for clarification - Ultimate Evil edition and the regular version.
They only import up, from regular to UEE. You can also "re-import" a UEE save over your current one, but the regular edition only allows exporting.
Damn. I should have started with the regular edition. I thought the UEE was the original edition with all of the DLC - kinda like a GOTY edition. Oh, how wrong thou art.... 
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 12:01 pm | #1393
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Meta:
They only import up, from regular to UEE. You can also "re-import" a UEE save over your current one, but the regular edition only allows exporting.
Damn. I should have started with the regular edition. I thought the UEE was the original edition with all of the DLC - kinda like a GOTY edition. Oh, how wrong thou art....
Shoulda read the reviews.
Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 9:08 pm | #1394
Apparently Suikoden II is going to be released on PSN this Tuesday for NA subscribers. As one of the rarest (and best) PS1 games of all time this is probably the first time many of you will have the divine pleasure of playing it. I recommend you do so.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/07/14 9:41 pm | #1395
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Damn. I should have started with the regular edition. I thought the UEE was the original edition with all of the DLC - kinda like a GOTY edition. Oh, how wrong thou art....
Shoulda read the reviews.
(facepalm) I know I know - that's what I get for being in a hurry...
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