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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
12/16/14 9:23 pm | #1441
What are your Dragon Age Inquisition companions of choice?
My character is a Mage, and I've got Cassandra, Vivianne, and Sera with me.
Playing on Hardcore, the difficulty went down a lot after I unlocked Knight Enchanter for Viv.
She's basically a tank / 2nd barrier healer, and I've got my own set of barriers. Cassandra focuses on party stat upgrades (war cry etc), as a warrior / support / threat engager, and Sera I maxed out on poison weapons / toxic cloud, so as Viv melees enemies and draws the most threat, Sera is cloaked, and drops an area effect toxic cloud.
Character-wise, Sera and Cassandra are the opposite opposite, and Cassandra and Viv are pretty opposite too. Makes for some good party banter.
Re: Random Gaming
12/16/14 11:14 pm | #1442
Rift Mage MC, Dorian, Sera, and Iron Bull as Tank FTW
Re: Random Gaming
12/17/14 12:37 pm | #1443
Me and iron bull pull glass tanks and I always have Varric with ne, no matter what. I just like his style of asshole. And Ive become prone to using Dorian a lot now. being flamboyantly gay, he's pretty good casting spells and polishing rods.
Re: Random Gaming
12/17/14 2:17 pm | #1444
SERA: Everyone look away, I have to pee.
VIVIEENE: (sigh) Could you be any more of an embarrassment to the Inquisition?
(moments later)
SERA: Everyone look at Vivieene, she's going to pee!
I was using Iron Bull and Varric before I got to Skyhold, will switch it up on a 2nd playthrough.
Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 6:15 am | #1445
Full list of DA Inquisition multiplayer items / weapons / etc
Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 11:29 am | #1446
there's a minecraft telltale game..
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 12:08 pm | #1447
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
there's a minecraft telltale game..
When will it end!?
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 12:29 pm | #1448
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
there's a minecraft telltale game..
When will it end!?
Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 1:15 pm | #1449
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 1:44 pm | #1450
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
who even wants this game
Prebubescent 12 year olds crazy over Minecraft.... Ala Kat
Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 1:45 pm | #1451
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
who even wants this game
You know you will buy it
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 3:04 pm | #1452
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
who even wants this game
Prebubescent 12 year olds crazy over Minecraft.... Ala Kat

That's not your secret to tell!
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 5:46 pm | #1453
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
there's a minecraft telltale game..
When will it end!?
It will end with Lego Minecraft.
Re: Random Gaming
12/18/14 10:59 pm | #1454
Call me crazy... but if they paid me $$$ to do that license, I'd make it a (meta) type universe, so the Telltale game is about a group of human beings who are PLAYING Minecraft.
We know nothing about the story, so that's how I would do it. Like Felicia Day's "The Guild", sorta. They have avatars within the Minecraft game worlds, and can inhabit each others' game, and the choices come from these group of (teenagers), let's call it a (coming of age) story, like they're all in high school about to graduate, and it's really about these 18yr old's lives, about to change drastically, with the game as their mutual foil. That would allow for (good guy / bad guy) achetypes, among the group, and a romantic interest, etc. All while inhabiting the Minecraft world, for at least a third of the gameplay.
Anyway... that's what I would do.
Re: Random Gaming
12/19/14 2:55 pm | #1455
I have been grinding out one level to find one material to make a staff to see what all of the hype is about. The cow level in Diablo 3 UEE. Ok, it's not really called the cow level, but you get the idea.
It's an interesting level. You get to kill teddy bears, flowers and unicorns. LOL!!
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