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Quote by feistiestcoast4:

I fed it the food on my first playthrough... and I didn't feed it food on my Xbox One re-playthrough... same exact reaction (from the dog).
What makes it worse, is what Clem has to go through by the end of that episode, to fix that dog's mess. Self-surgery? That was brutally painful to have to ease her through, even when I knew what was coming.
AND Clem would've never had to "be friends" with that girl with the glasses, and give her a false hope / sense of security, to steal meds, if the dog hadn't bitten her. It's fair to say, that the girl with glasses... and her father, could've potentially lived... not to mention the doctor... and "maybe" that whole colony, had that dog's bite not set in motion the events that followed.
So F that dog. Both times- I chose to end its suffering, but that's just because Clem is like an Anne Frank in this story-- (at least to me) she'll always try to see the good in people (and animals).
Quote by DeeBo:
Does your storyline carry over as well?
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by DeeBo:
Does your storyline carry over as well?
Quote by DeeBo:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Does your storyline carry over as well?
That's shitty.
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by DeeBo:
That's shitty.
I'm not looking forward to collecting everything again.
2k servers are utter shit i swear
Quote by feistiestcoast4:
why watch any movie then, it's just actors reading a script with cgi in the background
people enjoy different things, deal with it.
Now I am looking at Diablo 3 for the same type of gaming fix.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by feistiestcoast4:
why watch any movie then, it's just actors reading a script with cgi in the background
people enjoy different things, deal with it.
Yeah, agree. Feistiecost... pro-wrestling has its merits, especially for guys like Snapple and I, that grew up in Jersey. If you doubt why it has any value at all- I will say with all sincerity, that the most genuine, hard-working women I've ever known, have been in the wrestling business. My show ended up as (Total Divas) on E!, and I'm somewhat happy people may view drama less like the lead-in (Kardashian), and more like what those kind of women bring to the table.
Shot this in Hawaii with Lacey- Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair. For the record... wasn't fake. Blood kinda helps

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