Quote by Melissa Evol:
Really? If I tell you that I'm making you the most awesome, innovative dinner you've ever had, and hype it up for months, then you come over and I serve you a McDonalds burger with some parsley around it, and every other bite tastes literally like shit- do you need to finish that burger to realize it's not the best thing you've ever eaten- or even eaten that day????
I'm bored with this game, and I'm only at the vice desk. Regardless of if the arson desk is THE BEST DESK IN THE GAME AND TOTALLY BLOWS MY MIND, when I'm done, I'm going to remember that boredom. And 1/2 the people in this thread- 1/2 the reviews I've read have used the words boring, repetitive or monotonous to describe the game. It's NOT a bad game, there's a lot of fun to it- it's just one more game that Rockstar overhyped and couldn't produce a game that lived up to it. This has been what I've said about them since GTA4! They put out a solid 8.5-9 game, and hype it to be an 11.
And yes, considering Rockstar has NEVER produced a game that deserved a perfect 10 rating, yet has consistently recieved them, plus GOTY nods, absolutely do I believe there's bribery going on. If a smaller developer like Reality Pump can afford to pay for reviews and has the pull in the industry to blacklist reviewers that don't give them what they want, how would a big name like Rockstar not be able to??? And why would EA have to? They have their name on almost everything- and regardless of how crappy they treat their customers, people keep throwing money at them and buying their games without thought of anything else. EA's in a different class completely from Rockstar.
Well I guess it'd depend on if there was dessert after the burger, like a Oreo Mcflurry, hell yeah I'd finish that over hype shitty burger of yours.

...lol j/k
I understand where your coming from with saying it can get boring. I felt that the game wasn't gonna be one that people either really liked or really didn't but just to help with your pain, if your on the Vice desk, you only have 3 cases there and Arson only has like 5 and thats it. So your almost there.

You can do it, fight the boredom!
The EA jab was just a little joke cause of how they have their hand in like everything you can think of and the EA Pass they've pushed to get started kinda pushed me to lose a little love for them. Seems like now other companies are doing it as well and its kinda lame. Everybody trying to make more money I guess.