Archived: LA NOIRE
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05/18/11 4:09 pm | #151
Its only 3 disks because of storage on the disk.....the graphics are great and its a huge city with a lot to do
05/18/11 4:35 pm | #152
on the 8th case so far and loving it. waiting to do the dlc after i beat the game.
05/18/11 5:40 pm | #153
I'm on case 16 out of 21. I already have 15 hours on the game and it just came out lol.
They made me play the Naked City DLC when I was on the Vice desk. Im not sure if you can skip it.
They made me play the Naked City DLC when I was on the Vice desk. Im not sure if you can skip it.
05/18/11 10:08 pm | #154
Im on The Golden Butterfly case beginning of disk 2!!!!!!
05/18/11 10:18 pm | #155
Quote by Adrian:
Im on The Golden Butterfly case beginning of disk 2!!!!!!
Same here. I just finished The Red Lipstick Murder, changed to disc 2 but shut my xbox off to watch the Bulls/Heat.
Absolutely love this game though, so much fun. The only thing that bugs me is that I always try to do Street Cases whenever they pop up, but recently, the game has been being an ass and ALWAYS been making dispatch calls when I'm like a block or 2 away from my main case waypoint. But other than that, this game is perfect.

05/18/11 10:25 pm | #156
All these chicks have a serious bush on them lol
How do I activate cases from my desk???
How do I activate cases from my desk???
05/18/11 11:12 pm | #157
Quote by Adrian:
All these chicks have a serious bush on them lol
How do I activate cases from my desk???
How do I activate cases from my desk???

Re: Re: Re: LA NOIRE
05/18/11 11:27 pm | #158
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Adrian:
All these chicks have a serious bush on them lol
How do I activate cases from my desk???
How do I activate cases from my desk???

I'm still not sure about that but I do know that you don't want to hit "restart" in the pause menu unless you want to start the whole damn case over again from the beginning. I made that mistake with the first Traffic case you get. I went through the crime scene, talking to the wife and into questioning the shady fucker at the bar when I messed up one of the questions for him. I hit restart to see if it would load the last checkpoint but nope, all the way back to the beginning cut scene where you meet your new partner. That's the only detractor I've found yet.
I really wish they added the option to load your previous check/save point.
05/18/11 11:28 pm | #159
xbox dashboard it if u mess up..i messed up once so far and am on disc 2 but i xbox dashboarded it and got right back to where i was then did the lie doubt and truth thing correctly and ended up with 5 star rating..hope it helps
05/18/11 11:38 pm | #161
Quote by iSillyXP:
xbox dashboard it if u mess up..i messed up once so far and am on disc 2 but i xbox dashboarded it and got right back to where i was then did the lie doubt and truth thing correctly and ended up with 5 star rating..hope it helps
Much thanks.

05/19/11 12:03 am | #162
Damn, I hate dashboarding games so I MAY just find a good guide to help in the questioning instead, not sure if I want to or not, I know there's an achieve for 5 starring ALL cases so it'd be nice to get that on my first playthrough and the game would probably be bad ass and fun regardless just from the other aspects of it. I had like 4 intuition points saved up already just after 5 starring that first case which is nice so I may just try and see how far I can get without messing up and just using my intuitons.
05/19/11 12:06 am | #163
Instead of dashboarding... You can save lots of time by just quitting to the main menu and then just go to resume.
05/19/11 12:17 am | #164
I sitll haven't started playing. I've been working 10 hour days at work. I came home yesterday planning to play. I put in disc 1 and started to install it. I sat back in my chair waiting for it to install. The next thing I knew my alarm was going off and it was time for me to go to work. I hate just randomly falling asleep like that, it makes me feel old.
But I am glad to see that you are all enjoying the game. I get a 3 day weekend this weekend, so I will finally get to play.
But I am glad to see that you are all enjoying the game. I get a 3 day weekend this weekend, so I will finally get to play.
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