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Archived: LA NOIRE
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05/19/11 2:08 am | #166
I keep recognizing the different actors and trying to place what I've seen them in. There's one guy I recognize from playing bit parts on sitcoms. He was the drunk guy outside the bar you go to during the first Traffic case. He says he recognizes you and it gives you a dialogue option. I then saw that same guy sitting in the bar during the hit and run case right after that when you question the bartender played by the one guy from Mad Men.
I'm gonna check each bar I end up in to see if they put that guy in every one.
05/19/11 2:12 am | #167
Quote by IRiSH:
I keep recognizing the different actors and trying to place what I've seen them in. There's one guy I recognize from playing bit parts on sitcoms. He was the drunk guy outside the bar you go to during the first Traffic case. He says he recognizes you and it gives you a dialogue option. I then saw that same guy sitting in the bar during the hit and run case right after that when you question the bartender played by the one guy from Mad Men.

I'm gonna check every bar I end up in to see if they put that guy every one.

Yea I noticed Walter from Fringe on the billboards in the opening scenes of the game, the faces and character models are pretty insane.
05/19/11 2:36 am | #168
the fat dude from heroes is in it
05/19/11 2:46 am | #169
I finished the story... Ending was wack. Time to mop up some missed achievements.
05/19/11 2:53 am | #170
Wack as in it sucked ass or wack as in good and crazy?
05/19/11 3:14 am | #171
Quote by Detroit:
I finished the story... Ending was wack. Time to mop up some missed achievements.
I don't like the sound of that
did you play the dlc in the story or only through the case option?
Re: Re: Re: LA NOIRE
05/19/11 3:28 am | #172
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
I finished the story... Ending was wack. Time to mop up some missed achievements.
I don't like the sound of that
did you play the dlc in the story or only through the case option?
I played it in the story. The way it ties in with the previous mission makes it seem like its not even DLC.
I dont have the "Slip of the Tongue" DLC. I guess that comes out later down the line
But people with walmart preorders got it or some shit.
@Circus, wack as in sucked. Could have been A LOT better.
Re: Re: Re: Re: LA NOIRE
05/19/11 3:32 am | #173
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I don't like the sound of that
did you play the dlc in the story or only through the case option?
I played it in the story. The way it ties in with the previous mission makes it seem like its not even DLC.
I dont have the "Slip of the Tongue" DLC. I guess that comes out later down the line

But people with walmart preorders got it or some shit.
@Circus, wack as in sucked. Could have been A LOT better.
best buy got it too
05/19/11 6:49 am | #174
Quote by Detroit:
Instead of dashboarding... You can save lots of time by just quitting to the main menu and then just go to resume.
Ahh cool I thought if I quit it would save glad to know it doesn't! I hate xbox dashboarding it but I'm also lazy to do the case all over again
Re: Re: Re: LA NOIRE
05/19/11 1:22 pm | #176
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Detroit:
I finished the story... Ending was wack. Time to mop up some missed achievements.
i saw that coming really good stories usally have really bad endings.....how many hours did you get out of it
Little over 20 hours. Still got 5 more side missions to find (but im not sure what desk they are on...so its gonna be a bitch hunting those down, especially with the whole 3 disk thing. I also have to get the 50 gold film reels around the city, and drive about 40 or so more cars for the 100%.
But even after I get the 100%, I still gotta play some missions over not for the 5 stars... but for random achievements. Like dont get caught while following someone. Shit like that.
THEN when I finish those... I gotta play all the mission again and get 5 stars
. But I love the game so I can bare it
My total playtime will easily reach 40 maybe even 50+ hours.
05/19/11 2:06 pm | #177
I'm already upset with this game as it glitched on me. I'm on the golden butterfly and near the end when you must choose suspects, I chose the oneyour supposed too (which your captain wants) and when it loaded the scene telling the suspect that he is being arrested, it showed the right one, but then when it showed the suspect being thrown in jail, it showed the other suspect I never chose and my captain ripped me a new one and gave me 3 star. I redid the case for the same damned result. Furious I tell you.
So far game is cool, very repetitive. Don't like seeing dead girl bush in a game. And the car chase scenes blow ass. So far I give the game an 8.5.
05/19/11 2:15 pm | #178
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
I'm already upset with this game as it glitched on me. I'm on the golden butterfly and near the end when you must choose suspects, I chose the oneyour supposed too (which your captain wants) and when it loaded the scene telling the suspect that he is being arrested, it showed the right one, but then when it showed the suspect being thrown in jail, it showed the other suspect I never chose and my captain ripped me a new one and gave me 3 star. I redid the case for the same damned result. Furious I tell you.
So far game is cool, very repetitive. Don't like seeing dead girl bush in a game. And the car chase scenes blow ass. So far I give the game an 8.5.
lol I think the car chase scenes are pretty cool/and super action movie like.
Same shit happened to me
I figured it was supposed to happen like that and the reason I got shitty stars was for missing a few questions... hmm... idk.
But other than that... I haven't really had any glitch like problems.
Re: Re: Re: LA NOIRE
05/19/11 9:18 pm | #179
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
I'm already upset with this game as it glitched on me. I'm on the golden butterfly and near the end when you must choose suspects, I chose the oneyour supposed too (which your captain wants) and when it loaded the scene telling the suspect that he is being arrested, it showed the right one, but then when it showed the suspect being thrown in jail, it showed the other suspect I never chose and my captain ripped me a new one and gave me 3 star. I redid the case for the same damned result. Furious I tell you.
So far game is cool, very repetitive. Don't like seeing dead girl bush in a game. And the car chase scenes blow ass. So far I give the game an 8.5.
lol I think the car chase scenes are pretty cool/and super action movie like.
Same shit happened to me

I figured it was supposed to happen like that and the reason I got shitty stars was for missing a few questions... hmm... idk.
But other than that... I haven't really had any glitch like problems.
Word that shit pissed me off, I was ready to get my 5 but got 3 and my intuition achievement...bastARDS
Also in that hit and run case I had a bright idea to Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler but wouldnt let me so bloop :/
05/19/11 9:32 pm | #180
the game is good just very repetitive and i cant play it that much at a time anymore lol
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