seriously it's red dead redemption syndrome all over again. THAT bad of an ending.
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05/25/11 1:59 am | #196
loved the game up until the ending
seriously it's red dead redemption syndrome all over again. THAT bad of an ending.
seriously it's red dead redemption syndrome all over again. THAT bad of an ending.
05/30/11 1:45 am | #197
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
loved the game up until the ending
I just beat it a little bit ago and I have to agree. I really enjoyed the game until the ending.
So far I have 805/1200. Finding all of the cars seems like its gonna be a pain. I only have 41/95 after beating the game.
How long did it take you guys to beat the game. My final time was just under 20 hours.
05/30/11 2:02 am | #198
Yeah, I'm still only on disc 2. On the third Homicide Desk case I think. I've been taking my sweet time with this game. I still enjoying it but is it just me or is Phelps a dickhead? Especially in his WWII flashbacks. It seems like Rockstar goes out of their way to make their characters as less endearing as possible.
If my assumptions from all the chatter I'm reading about a disappointing ending turn out correct, I actually don't think I'll be that disappointed. I'm actually looking forward to a bummer of an ending. I'm used to the "Rockstar" ending by now. Especially after RDR.
If my assumptions from all the chatter I'm reading about a disappointing ending turn out correct, I actually don't think I'll be that disappointed. I'm actually looking forward to a bummer of an ending. I'm used to the "Rockstar" ending by now. Especially after RDR.

05/30/11 2:12 am | #199
Yeah, Cole can be kind of an ass at times. Though I did really like his character.
I'm kind of curious how much they are going to charge for DLC when they start to push it out. Like, is it gonna be like The Naked City where it's just one case? Or are they going to add in another whole desk? If its just one case, I hope its not priced to high because it didn't take to long to beat the naked city.
I'm kind of curious how much they are going to charge for DLC when they start to push it out. Like, is it gonna be like The Naked City where it's just one case? Or are they going to add in another whole desk? If its just one case, I hope its not priced to high because it didn't take to long to beat the naked city.
05/30/11 2:16 am | #200
Whaaaaa...? I loved the RDR ending.
05/30/11 4:17 am | #201
dlc and the rockstar pass (something to do with the dlcc) are coming out this week. it's the pre order incentives with a fresh batch of dlc coming June 21st
05/30/11 4:46 am | #202
Quote by Bovice63:
Whaaaaa...? I loved the RDR ending.
Well maybe not the ending ending but John's ending.

05/30/11 10:37 am | #203
You are a 100% correct to assume that Cole is a dickhead, I didn't like the ending not because of the tone, but more because of how its kinda just thrown at you without really leading up to it.
05/30/11 5:11 pm | #205
Not to be a dick but you people should kinda stop talking about the ending or at least stop saying how its like that "other game". It kinda ruins the fucking ending REAL quick if you've played both games, just sayin'. It was over all a really good game, a real contender for the GotY award this year. Just gotta finish the damn cars and film reels (Damn Rockstar and their

05/30/11 8:48 pm | #207
Quote by Imaking1987:
Not to be a dick but you people should kinda stop talking about the ending or at least stop saying how its like that "other game". It kinda ruins the fucking ending REAL quick if you've played both games, just sayin'. It was over all a really good game, a real contender for the GotY award this year. Just gotta finish the damn cars and film reels (Damn Rockstar and their

Really its kinda making me dread beating this game...
05/30/11 9:46 pm | #208
just need to find the 50 film reels and i am at 100% (or 1100/1200) gamerscore, until i get to play Slip of the Tongue
05/31/11 9:30 am | #210
Details on the Rockstar Pass:
Link to article where I got this info:
Unattributed Quote:
All the details have been spilled and the Rockstar Pass is now available for download on Xbox 360.
[UPDATE] New details just appeared on the Xbox 360 Dashboard. The Rockstar Pass is only available for $10 until June 13th then will be priced at $12 and you will also receive a discount on all future DLC.
A few weeks ago the Rockstar Pass was spotted on Major Nelsons blog for upcoming downloadable content. The details however, were absent and Rockstar refused to comment. Well today you can download the Rockstar Pass for $10 (800MSP) on the XBL Marketplace. The Rockstar Pass includes the following:
The Broderick Detective Suit – *80MSP
The Sharpshooter Detective Suit – *80MSP
The Badge Pursuit Challenge & Button Man Suit – *Included with “The Naked City”
“The Naked City” Vice Case – *320MSP
“A Slip Of The Tongue” Traffic Case – *320MSP
“Nicholson Electroplating” Arson Case – *320MSP (June 21st)
“Reefer Madness” Vice Case – *320MSP (July 12th)
*Price of content without the Rockstar Pass if bought individually.
The bottom two cases will be available for free to users who download the Rockstar Pass when they’re released. No other details were given if future content beyond those cases will be available for free or at a discount. Rockstar is also offering The Chicago Piano gun previously only obtained through Gamestop via pre-order before April 30th for free.
[UPDATE] New details just appeared on the Xbox 360 Dashboard. The Rockstar Pass is only available for $10 until June 13th then will be priced at $12 and you will also receive a discount on all future DLC.
A few weeks ago the Rockstar Pass was spotted on Major Nelsons blog for upcoming downloadable content. The details however, were absent and Rockstar refused to comment. Well today you can download the Rockstar Pass for $10 (800MSP) on the XBL Marketplace. The Rockstar Pass includes the following:
The Broderick Detective Suit – *80MSP
The Sharpshooter Detective Suit – *80MSP
The Badge Pursuit Challenge & Button Man Suit – *Included with “The Naked City”
“The Naked City” Vice Case – *320MSP
“A Slip Of The Tongue” Traffic Case – *320MSP
“Nicholson Electroplating” Arson Case – *320MSP (June 21st)
“Reefer Madness” Vice Case – *320MSP (July 12th)
*Price of content without the Rockstar Pass if bought individually.
The bottom two cases will be available for free to users who download the Rockstar Pass when they’re released. No other details were given if future content beyond those cases will be available for free or at a discount. Rockstar is also offering The Chicago Piano gun previously only obtained through Gamestop via pre-order before April 30th for free.
Link to article where I got this info:
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