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Archived: Rate the last movie you saw.

Posted Under: Entertainment
Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by U7ysses S Gr4nt:

10/14 - 10/20


Ninja Assassin (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – Once I accepted it for what it is, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I would have expected. The violence is a little over the top sometimes, but it’s good, dumb fun. I wouldn’t let the name fool you, as this is more of a pure action movie, and less of a kung-fu flick. Fans of violent, bloody actioners that don’t make you think too hard will definitely enjoy this.

Jurassic Park (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – It doesn’t carry quite the nostalgic factor for me, as I was a wee lad when this was released. I may have caught bits and pieces as a young child, but this was my first time ever watching the whole thing in one sitting. It’s not my favorite Spielberg movie, but it’s a good action/adventure film that doesn’t fit neatly into one genre. It has moments of humor, terror, and even drama, a rare combo in movies, and something Spielberg does quite well. I know a lot of people rank this much higher in their favorite films than I do, but seeing it so long after its release hampers the enjoyment a bit. The CG work here holds up relatively well; definitely doesn’t detract from the experience.

Jurassic Park: The Lost World (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – It falls into sequel syndrome, trying far too hard to emulate what worked in the original. Most sequels, this one included, would be far better served trying to be their own movie. What worked in the original feels a bit tired here, and though it’s possible it felt that way because I watched them in consecutive nights, the whole movie just has the “been there, done that” vibe. It’s a decent action/adventure film, but a definite step-down from the original.

Jurassic Park III (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – Another decent entry in the series, but again fails to match the original. It makes use of a strong cast, and bringing Sam Neill back was a great decision. Because it’s a newer release, the CG work is pretty solid; the fight between the two large carnivorous dinosaurs in the beginning is still awesome. Overall, it’s a little too short and much like II lacks the depth of the original (primarily with the characters), but it still makes for a decent action/adventure film.

Pacific Rim (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – I’m a fan of Del Toro, and this particular genre – the monster movies – hasn’t been explored too much recently, so I was excited to finally see this. The battle sequences are some of the greatest visual treats you’ll see, but I felt like the scenes between them (the character interactions primarily) were a little weak. You can make summer blockbusters that are both highly entertaining and have depth; this does just an okay job in that regard. I wasn’t disappointed, but I had thought this could transcend just the popcorn sort of flick.

Drag Me to Hell (Blu-ray, 2nd viewing) – I wasn’t crazy about Raimi’s Evil Dead films, but I do enjoy this little combo of horror and comedy. It gets a little crazy sometimes, but it’s a fun watch.

Disturbia (Blu-ray, 3rd viewing) – I’ve always been pretty lenient with movies starring Shia (I’ve always liked him), but I’ll be the first to admit that Disturbia borrows heavily from superior films. I still like it, though it’s not holding up as well with repeat viewings. It blends some different genres pretty well, but doesn’t really excel as either a coming of age film or horror/thriller.


Watched another 10 episodes of Arrow this week. It did get off to a slow start, but the last 3-4 episodes have improved the season overall. This isn't shaping up to be as good as I had hoped, but I'm hopeful the rest of the season will follow trend.

Jurassic Park only being 5 points higher than the likes of Disturbia is unsettling.

The Big Hit - 7.5/10

The Corpse Bride - 6.5/10

Carrie (2013) - 6/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Something has to really wow me to get out of the 6-7.5 range.

Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by U7ysses S Gr4nt:

Something has to really wow me to get out of the 6-7.5 range.

Giant Dinosaurs don't wow you but giant robots do. Clearly racist.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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doctor Who
Dragonfire 9/10
Happiness Patrol 5/10
Greatest Show in the Galaxy 5/10

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Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
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Pacific Rim - 4/5

Not perfect but I really enjoyed it a lot. As U7ysses said, the battle scenes were terrific and definitely the highlight of the film. The kaiju monsters were neat, and the robots were pretty decent although I would have liked them to either be more blocky and rough-looking, Mechwarrior/western style, or else more stylistic and future-y, like eastern mecha style. That's just nitpicking though; my only real complaint is that there was too much mediocre character development and not enough of the awesome fighting. I will forever kick myself for not seeing this in IMAX like I had originally planned. I should also mention that I am specifically not a fan of Guillermo del Toro but to me this movie didn't have his stamp at all anyway.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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After Earth: Not a typical M.Knight movie but I actually enjoyed the movie for the most part with Will and Jaden Smith they usually put on a good act. I'd give it a 7.5/10
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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INTERNSHIP 7/10 could Vaughn & Wilson be the new Lemon & Matthau
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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10/21 - 10/27

Empire State (Blu-ray, 1st movie) – For a movie released straight to home media, I thought it was good. The cover is a bit misleading though, The Rock is probably in the movie 10 minutes, and Emma Roberts has maybe 2 minutes of screen time. Liam Hemsworth plays the part well, and though it’s nothing more than your typical heist film with some organized crime thrown in, I found it to be enjoyable. Honestly, the best thing they could have done is made it 20-30 minutes longer and developed the relationship between Hemsworth and Roberts more, as well as fleshing out Mr. Johnson’s (probably a penis joke in there somewhere) character a bit more.

Dark Knight Returns: Part 1 (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – It’s not up there with Under the Red Hood, but is nonetheless a solid entry in the animated films from DC. DC may not be performing as high with their live action films, but I think they’ve got an edge with the animated films. Much like UtRH, this is suitably dark, and makes for a good show of what the caped crusader would be like as an older man. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in Part II.

Dark Knight Returns: Part II (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – I thought it was a solid follow up to the original, and continues the dark nature of the first part quite well. I liked the conclusion, and I believe most fans of the character would find it believable. Though I do enjoy watching the animated Marvel & DC stuff, something prevents me from enjoying them as much as live action films. I’m not sure why that it is, but I did enjoy this 2 part series well enough to recommend it.

Admission (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – It’s not a bad movie necessarily, but the leads are definitely not used to the best of their considerable abilities. It’s not really funny enough to be a good comedy, nor is it dramatic enough to be a good drama. All in all, it’s a fairly boring movie about boring characters doing boring things – way too tame for its own good. Fans of Paul Rudd and Tina Fey will spend the entire movie wondering what could have been.

The Conjuring (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – Easily the most unsettling and scary movie I’ve seen in the last few years. I made the mistake of watching this at night, and unfortunately I had something to do the next morning; it definitely hurt my sleeping that night. The cast all performed very well, something usually missing from horror films. If you like your horror movies to have that high intensity without kills and gore, this is an absolute top tier film in that regard. I actually felt the movie was at its weakest towards the latter third when the demons began to be visible.

The Apparition (Blu-ray, 1st viewing) – Although it was very slack after viewing The Conjuring, I don’t think it’s quite as bad as the reviews made it out to be. It doesn’t bring anything new or original to the table, but it’s better than the average rating of 2.2 it has over on rotten tomatoes. The biggest complaint I have is the length (or lack thereof) and the lack of explanation.

Van Helsing (Blu-ray, 2nd viewing) – As is the case with most all of Stephen Sommer’s films, what it lacks in substance, it makes up for with the popcorn effect. For a movie approaching 10 years of age, the special effects look like they could have been done today. The locales used in the movie, as well as the characters are really good too. Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale make for an appealing duo, too. As a film it has some problems, but I like it for what it is.
Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Mouth 420:

INTERNSHIP 7/10 could Vaughn & Wilson be the new Lemon & Matthau

I thought this same thing when I watched Wedding Crashers.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
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The Conjuring 7/10. Rather enjoyed this movie found it more scary than most.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Doctor Who - Masque of Mandragoa 10/10 Tom Baker at his best
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Doctor Who - Deadly Assassin 10/10 Season 14 of Doctor Who Amazing
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Doctor Who - Robots of Death 6/10
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
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Man of steel 8.5/10
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