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Archived: Rate the last movie you saw.

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Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Man on The Moon (1990)

Jim Carrey stars as Andy Kaufman, the real life performance art comic in this biopic film that accurately tells the story of who Kaufman was without dramatizing too much of the events for the sake of making a better film. I really liked this movie and despite that fact that it came out a long time ago, it was still new to me and I was glad I decided to watch it.

Jim Carrey plays a different sort of role that breaks away from his typecast goofy roles we are so used to. I reccomend this film for fans of Carrey and Kaufman alike or anyone interested in learning more about them. 7/10

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Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Mudkip:

The Evil Dead (2013)- 2/10

I don't know where to start with this movie. I legitimately went into this expecting at least a somewhat decent movie, from what I had hear it was actually pretty good. I had been afraid when this movie was announced that it would fail to live up to what the Evil Dead actually is. Hearing from people that it was a good movie calmed my fears a bit. After tonight I know either those people are full of it, or have never seen the original film or either of it sequels.

This movie was produced by Sam Raimi who directed said original and sequels along with Bruce Campbell who starred as Ash Williams in those films, so one would think that they would be able to pull off a remake seeing how it's such a big part of their history. Sadly however it fails miserably. When the original Evil Dead was released in 1981, it was released as a horror film and for the time it was quite scary but not overly so. The second and third movies were horror as well, but with more camp and humor making them films that while horror, didn't really take itself seriously. The remake was aimed to be made straight horror much like how Raimi and Campbell wanted the original to be over 30 years ago. That is the main problem this movie has.

Where 30 years ago most of the techniques used to scare and startle would have been fresh and effective, used here they are just dull and boring. Plenty of panning back and forth seeing an empty room at one time, only to have the camera pan back and have someone standing there that wasn't a few seconds ago. Everything done is so cliched that you know when something is to going to pop or burst out to try and scare you.

Character actions are another pitfall, so many chances are these characters given to just walk away and live, yet again and again they continue to do the opposite. They aren't likeable characters either, the film tries to build up relationships but that lasts about a whole 3 minutes and when characters start to die or begin to be possessed you find yourself having a hard time caring as you just want them dead so the movie finishes

There are nods to the original movies, but all they make you do is wish you were watching them instead of this cliched horror remake that you can find easily on the Sci-Fi channel (I refuse to spell it SyFy).

One other thing that irked me, the fact that they made a big deal about not using CGI as they were opposed to how bad it looks. Well that was probably the biggest lie they could have told people to have them pay to see this movie. As it's pretty abundantly clear that in more than one shot CG was used.

The only reason I'm giving this a 2 is because of some of the good gore effects used, that they didn't skimp out on. But you can't build a successful movie off of blood and guts alone.

If you haven't seen the original films then you might get some enjoyment out of this, although one of the friends who saw this with me tonight has never watched the originals and thought this was horrible.

Stay home, watch the originals and have a better time.

I've been waiting since release to hear your take on it :mad:

I'm not going to score it but I liked the movie more than my original thoughts on it. I think I know what you're talking about with the CGI but I read that they used a filming technique that I can't think of the name right now. The relationships were not tied in very well, very novice writing. I think instead of going the approach they went with introducing everyone it could have flowed more seamless like a normal conversation would.

As Meta said there is a unrated version. I'm expecting much more than what was showed in the gore department and I'm hoping for some extra scenes that flesh out the movie more. I felt like it had some pretty nice cringing moments and I did notice that some of Raimi's dark humor appeared. I felt like it shouldn't have had the Evil Dead title tacked on. It could have been given a different title and still did fairly well on it's own (although I wouldn't have seen it, I'm not a big fan of horror movies).

The rumor now is they're already working on Army of Darkness 2 right after they wrapped this movie up. Ash will be back :cool:

Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
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The Campaign 3/5
Re: Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Mudkip:

Quote by Grenade Rising:

Man on The Moon (1990)

Jim Carrey stars as Andy Kaufman, the real life performance art comic in this biopic film that accurately tells the story of who Kaufman was without dramatizing too much of the events for the sake of making a better film. I really liked this movie and despite that fact that it came out a long time ago, it was still new to me and I was glad I decided to watch it.

Jim Carrey plays a different sort of role that breaks away from his typecast goofy roles we are so used to. I reccomend this film for fans of Carrey and Kaufman alike or anyone interested in learning more about them. 7/10

I thought man on the moon was late 90s, not sure though.

Also, I'm laughing that someone actually downvoted my review. Sorry my opinion doesn't match up with yours whoever you are lol.

I don't see how that is relevant to my post. Sorry that someone downvoted your review.
Re: Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Mudkip:

Quote by Grenade Rising:

Man on The Moon (1990)

Jim Carrey stars as Andy Kaufman, the real life performance art comic in this biopic film that accurately tells the story of who Kaufman was without dramatizing too much of the events for the sake of making a better film. I really liked this movie and despite that fact that it came out a long time ago, it was still new to me and I was glad I decided to watch it.

Jim Carrey plays a different sort of role that breaks away from his typecast goofy roles we are so used to. I reccomend this film for fans of Carrey and Kaufman alike or anyone interested in learning more about them. 7/10

I thought man on the moon was late 90s, not sure though.

Also, I'm laughing that someone actually downvoted my review. Sorry my opinion doesn't match up with yours whoever you are lol.

I agreed with your review. I think they missed the point on why Evil Dead was awesome.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Having finished my DVD backlog, it was time to move on to some Blu-rays I’ve been meaning to check out for quite some time. All in all, I was a little disappointed, as some of these films received heavy praise from critics and typical viewers alike.

The Boondock Saints (Blu-ray) – one of those movies that’s been on my shortlist to watch for a long, long time. I thought the humor was outstanding, and the dialogue was snappy and well-written; definitely has a Tarantino sort of feel to it. Also, am I the only person who feels that Dafoe may be this messed up in real life? I thought his interactions with the local cops/detectives were a riot, definitely my favorite part of the movie.

Winter’s Bone (Blu-ray) – really strong performance from Lawrence, but not much else worth recommending. The story doesn’t make much sense, and there’s really not much in the way of a conclusion. Most critics loved it, so you’d probably be better served reaching your own conclusion. I’m not normally a fan of indie flicks, so there’s that too.

The Lookout (Blu-ray) – another movie that was a critical success but commercial flop. I liked this better than Winter’s Bone, mostly because of JGL, and Jeff Daniels is just so likeable in every role he plays. The story takes an interesting turn after a bit, but ultimately everything comes together in the end. Definitely check this out if you like JGL or caper films.

The Crow (Blu-ray) – has aged surprisingly well for a movie that’s nearly 20 years old. I thought it was solid revenge flick, and it did remind me a little bit of Tim Burton’s Batman with a little Sin City thrown in there too. Lee went out with a good performance; I thought he played the tortured hero part well.

Spawn (Blu-ray) – very odd adaptation of the comic series, at least from what I’ve gathered from my reading of the series. The movie is a little too comical to be taken very seriously, and everything just has this real cheap, corny feel to it. It’s not necessarily a bad movie, just a very strange one. I don’t think the CG was good in 1997 and it’s truly horrendous now. John Leguizamo plays arguably one of the most repulsive roles ever.

Evil Dead (1981)(Blu-ray) – I know I’m going to catch a ton of flack for this, but it didn’t do very much for me. Seeing it roughly 30 years after its release, and being accustomed to modern movies doesn’t help, I’ve missed the boat by a long shot. I’m too young and this is too old for me to really enjoy; nothing inherently wrong with the movie though.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (Blu-ray) – nice little spoof of the cannibal hillbilly horror films. If you’re a fan of those, you’ll get a lot of the little references in this movie. It’s billed as comedy/horror, but there’s definitely more focus placed on the comedy. Tucker and Dale are well cast, and the teens are suitably annoying.

30 Days of Night (Blu-ray) – this is actually the 2nd time I’ve seen it, and I remembered enjoying it more last time. Having said that, it’s still a pretty solid action-oriented horror film. There’s some minutia that’s poorly handled early on (Hartnett and George’s relationship for example), but the violence starts early, and the intensity is kept high throughout. I also thought Danny Huston did a great job as the lead vampire, as did Ben Foster in his small role.

Attack the Block (Blu-ray) – pretty fun little sci-fi comedy, but not as good as I was hoping for. It’s a little light on alien action and laughs, but does a decent job in both respects. The actor playing the lead role, John Boyega, does a good job, and he definitely deserved a little more development.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Grenade Rising:

Quote by Mudkip:

I thought man on the moon was late 90s, not sure though.

Also, I'm laughing that someone actually downvoted my review. Sorry my opinion doesn't match up with yours whoever you are lol.

I don't see how that is relevant to my post. Sorry that someone downvoted your review.

Also you were right Mudkip, Man on the Moon was actually 1999, I made a mistake.

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Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Black Snake Moan (2007)

This is not typically the type of film that I go for, but Christina Ricci drew me in more than anything else, so I gave this one a try.

Very interesting movie about a man dealing with his own inner struggles who aids a southern woman who has more issues than a magazine stand. Samuel L. Jackson really shines here in a role I think was tailor made for him

I give this one a 7.5/10
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
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Scary Movie 5 - Better than "A Haunted house" and that was really really bad but this didn't do that much better only part I went for is to see Evil Dead and that wasn't really worth it haha 2/10
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Argo - 4/5

It was good but I'm not sure it was "Best Picture" good. I'll reserve judgment until I've seen a few more of the other nominated films.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
Burnt Waffle
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Overall, not a bad week. I didn’t think there were any real standouts, but there also wasn’t anything really bad; sometimes that’s a good thing.

The Shining (DVD) – honestly, probably bothered me more than any movie I’ve seen in a long time. There are some scenes that feel a little out of place, and the ending makes absolutely no sense, but it’s horror at its finest despite all of this. I think they could have ditched the supernatural element, and it would have been better.

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (DVD) – typical, by-the-numbers romantic comedy, but everything works fine. Mcconaughey can churn out this type of movie in his sleep, and Garner’s solid opposite him. I’m a sucker for movies that rip off A Christmas Carol, so I had to give it a try.

Leatherheads (DVD) – very likeable movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, but falls flat due to lack of comedy and originality. The concept is initially interesting, but there’s too much focus away from the field. Krasinski, Zellweger and Clooney are all good in the leads; it’s just not a strong film.

War (DVD) – not a bad action flick, but it’s your typical Jason Statham fare. There’s a nice little twist at the end that I honestly didn’t see coming, but there were some other elements of the ending that were a bit jumbled and seemed to be thrown in at the last minute (Statham’s character betrayed Li’s character). I got this one out of the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, so I’m not going to complain too much.

Inside Man (DVD) – I try real hard not to say much positive about Spike Lee (I think he’s an idiot), but this was a solid thriller. Denzel’s very presence is enough to warrant a decent score. It seems a little implausible, but they did a good job of keeping me interested and guessing throughout.

The Game (DVD) – I’m a fan of David Fincher, and this was the last movie of his I’ve yet to see. About as original of a concept as most everything his does, but the execution isn’t as well done for the most part. Douglas plays the a**hole executive really well, and Penn was good as the worthless brother. It kept me guessing all the way through, and never really gets that boring.

Fracture (DVD) – good courtroom drama/thriller starring Gosling and Hopkins. I don’t watch a lot of these, but I did like this one enough to pursue the sub-genre a little more. Good chemistry between the two leads and Hopkins plays a role somewhat similar to Hannibal Lecter, so if you’re craving more of that, this may sate you some.

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Burnt Waffle
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Goon - 9/10

Watched it 5 times now and it's still hilarious. I don't even like Sean William Scott but he is awesome in this.
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