Archived: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
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Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 7:25 am | #17
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
It's really sad when guys say you cheat when you do better than them.
HouseMDFan I agree, Grow up or shut up.
HouseMDFan I agree, Grow up or shut up.


Yeah, I mean it's not my fault they were walking right in front of me and I had an RPD and I just sprayed the living crap out of them. =/ I don't even know how to glitch/cheat.
Apparently being good=cheater/glitcher. I never knew. o.O
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 8:00 am | #18
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Yeah, I mean it's not my fault they were walking right in front of me and I had an RPD and I just sprayed the living crap out of them. =/ I don't even know how to glitch/cheat.
Apparently being good=cheater/glitcher. I never knew. o.O
Apparently being good=cheater/glitcher. I never knew. o.O
Hell I didn't know you can glitch on a beta!! Just keep pumping shots into them till they don't move anymore

Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 8:13 am | #19
People have apparently been finding glitches. Some guy went through the wall on top of the third story building in Crash.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 10:12 am | #20
One thing about Beta is finding the Glitches.. Report the glitch so its not in the final game. Or they will update the 360 if you report it. If your kicken ass and taken names so be it...Give'em a bad review if they talk crap.They get enough they will not be matched with you. Or go in there with others from here and 'Wolf Pack' Them.
For those who don't know what wolf pack is, everyone in the room gangs up on that on person till they quit. Even if there on there team. That's the benifits about having friends
For those who don't know what wolf pack is, everyone in the room gangs up on that on person till they quit. Even if there on there team. That's the benifits about having friends

Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 1:39 pm | #21
Sorry to hear this. Reasons like those make me hate live. I can't stand playing on there with all the bad language, racial remarks, and trash talking. What happened to just having a good time?
And, it is sad that since they got beat by a good a$$ girl they felt you must be cheating. Truly sad! Way to kick their a$$es though
And, it is sad that since they got beat by a good a$$ girl they felt you must be cheating. Truly sad! Way to kick their a$$es though
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 2:00 pm | #22
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 2:07 pm | #23
some people on xbox live are way to immature. i mean i was in one room that these 2 guys would always teabag this one girl when they down her because she was a girl. and she was kickin the crap outta them. i mean seriously some people shouldnt play on xbox live if there afraid to get owned by a girl.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 3:26 pm | #24
The only things that annoy me on Live are A) People who always scream (usually little kids) and B) People who call everyone else the n word.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 3:30 pm | #25
That is what a community like ours is for. Find some friends and hook up to frag each other in peace! lol
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 3:44 pm | #26
Quote by zoboa:
That is what a community like ours is for. Find some friends and hook up to frag each other in peace! lol
haha yea thats what im talkin about
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 4:38 pm | #27
Two of the best friends I had on XBL were girls. One of them happened to be my first friend ever, the other one I still have on my list, we dont talk too much anymore though
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 6:59 pm | #28
Well today I met some more assholes. This guy kept saying that it should be illegal for a girl to play video games and I think another guy asked if I was fat.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 7:05 pm | #29
Quote by zoboa:
That is what a community like ours is for. Find some friends and hook up to frag each other in peace! lol
Speak the truth my brother I don't mind trash talk if its in a joking manner but you know when you go to far people are just stupid. come on house I'l play with ya
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 7:42 pm | #30
Ya i get that sometimes idk what the peoples problem is but they think im like 10 or somethin!
I dont get why but they are real retards on live. I think they are on their because they cant do it out in poblic!