Archived: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
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Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 9:21 pm | #31
hahaha. thats probably true. when im on and people start talkin crap and try to act all tough and are bein dicks i go and pwn them on the next round
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 9:43 pm | #32
i remember that dustin that was wrong about the gears thing
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
09/14/07 10:20 pm | #33
and i remember that certain people got pwned by a 9 yo girl. that was hillarious. and i was the one of the only people who didnt in that match. so remember that.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 11:53 am | #34
Thats what the private chat is for cause me and another guy were in private chat making comments after watching comedy central and we knew if we werent in private chat we would have been hounded by the youngins and or kicked. So I usually just leave the head set plugged in and off my head so I dont here the immaturaty of young kids.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 12:32 pm | #35
Quote by HouseMDfan:
Sorry for the slight language.
No biggie..I work on construction sites and nuclear plants and I hear fffaaarrr worse..but usally when I hear the GD word i usually bust out with "gosh darn guys"
so to you....gosh darn...

sorry you had to endure in the immaturity of these youngins...i love playing with guys know what I mean
I have to agree with mayo ( i think he is the one that said it ) they are going to talk all this crap now and later on in there loser'ish life have a woman above them telling them what to do, there won't be 'ish they can say then....Everyone gets there's, just give it time
Quote by majority ru1e:
megs famous line "I have more points then you, so shutup!"
I usually hear.."HA..YOU GOT FRAGGED BY A GIRL!!!!!" on R6V2 HaHa!...*wipes tear from eye* ooohhh good times, lol
Quote by zoboa:
That is what a community like ours is for. Find some friends and hook up to frag each other in peace! lol
Truer words have never been spoken...I use to never play on live because of the crap everyone in this site is talking about. Than I joined this site and I can't GET OFF live, LoL
So I'd like to take the chance now to Thank Everybody on this site that I have played and enjoyed countless hours of entertainment with. To save people like House from putting up with stupid ash people. can come play with me, I don't bagel about getting owned by a girl...Im use to it, LOL!
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 1:20 pm | #36
i get some comments like that too because of my voice.the mics kinda make it high pitch, prolly cause of prepubescentness or something. so i get all the odd comments about my gamertag and my voice. people ask if im 9 or a girl. it mainly happened on cod4, so just own them the whole round and then in the lobby im like "howd that feel, getting ownt by a 13 year old" and o its hilarious because they get so mad. i just tell myself "they must be pretty pathetic insulting people over the internet/live" because alot of the comments i say, i have said irl lol
some people are just irritable, especially those people who think their all tough. just do what i do, find out where they are, stalk them down, and murder them the whole match. they get so mad their comments are hilarious.
some people are just irritable, especially those people who think their all tough. just do what i do, find out where they are, stalk them down, and murder them the whole match. they get so mad their comments are hilarious.
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 2:55 pm | #37
maybe i should have looked at the date before i posted a reply on this, LOL!
Why the hell did this come back into play?!...
Why the hell did this come back into play?!...
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 6:05 pm | #38
Jack it kid!!! JACK IT!!!! I got a pickle...I got a pickle!!!!
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 6:16 pm | #39
Can I have a pickle?
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 6:21 pm | #40
*hands snake a pickle*
So how was everyones day today?
So how was everyones day today?
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/23/08 7:06 pm | #41
*Munch Munch Munch*...ok Im better
Re: God D*mn Mother Effing Immature...
06/24/08 3:59 am | #42
you know what sucks?