In one of the games I have only one friend with me and I get up the courage to talk. Big mistake. I\'m told by some immature ass to \'come back when my balls drop\' apparently unable to tell the difference between a prepubescent boy\'s voice and a girl\'s voice. I reply \'That\'s kind of impossible considering I\'m a GIRL.\" Then I mute the guy.
Another of the games I end up getting 31 kills and about 13 deaths. I\'m shocked by this, I was the highest-scoring player in the game, from both sides. Well, someone decides to be a prick and says \'you effing cheater. Cheater, cheater, cheater. Go glitch somewhere else\' or something along those lines. I think the highest kill count on the other team was 13. I respond \'I\'m not cheating, I\'m just good.\' and I tell my friend \'they\'re just sore cause they got pwned by a girl\'. Oh and did I mention there was another girl on my team who also got flak from the idiots and was told to \'go play with your barbie dolls.\"
Well...there\'s my little experience with the scum on Xbox LIVE. I reported the people who were being complete asses, though I doubt it will do anything. Just wanted to get it all off my chest.