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Blogs Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Custom Xbox 360 consoles theEVOL111317,297

08/06/14 9:12 am
by PureEvil x21

Meta's Ultra Waffle List 1.0xp Meta36638,448

10/17/13 2:24 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Closed: ---------X's movie blog----------- X152,352

12/15/12 12:30 am
by X

MW3 OR BATTLEFIELD 3 Elemental Sonik424,796

04/07/12 7:15 pm
by Chaind Insanity

information blog augis48812,170

11/18/10 2:48 pm
by Mike Vick

Closed: how many kills do you get on average online, on mw2 reed0tuy0u496,637

11/06/10 4:48 pm
by IRiSH

Gamercard lover Award? Mr Wilton32,428

07/30/10 2:15 am
by IRiSH

A-Z Achieve Bovice6382,547

07/04/10 8:02 pm
by ReAl ImPuLsE

Question? Mr Paul Spider203,289

05/29/10 11:15 am
by Crustyhippy

woot 1550 in Fallout 3 Jared223,283

04/22/10 1:39 am
by Stake

Fallout 3 Hardcore Style Stake153,654

04/08/10 10:12 pm
by J1R2D3R4M

What makes a Noob? marveldarkreign173,268

04/03/10 4:02 pm
by Super Hyper X

My Setup Jared475,664

03/13/10 9:00 pm
by Robbycg

My Top 10 Games Xtreme Nights444,287

01/19/10 3:38 pm
by Xtreme Nights

Staring at boobs actually good for you. Mudkip636,967

01/12/10 1:44 pm
by Mudkip

Im excited Kamikaze8112,387

01/07/10 10:28 pm
by Meta

Wtf not cool reed0tuy0u193,136

01/01/10 11:13 pm
by AJ

Death Note Bubbles63,106

12/29/09 11:32 am
by Super Hyper X

All good things come to an end... Jackson164,233

12/28/09 1:46 pm
by Darth Rankine

My mom owned Dragonforce Meta92,357

12/02/09 1:49 pm
by Durtie

knock, knock. Bubbles132,284

10/27/09 9:54 pm
by PureEvil x21

*...yawn...* I am Back! Junior189,307

09/15/09 1:52 pm
by Jared

SEA KITTENS!!!!! Bubbles152,253

08/23/09 12:52 pm
by Crustyhippy

it's not fun at all Bubbles142,265

08/22/09 5:14 pm
by Blackmagic16

GRRR! Bubbles92,500

08/19/09 11:28 pm
by Greg