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Full Game - Feeding Frenzy 2

Random Hero

Personal Information
Region:South Carolina
Join Date:May 5, 2006
BirthdayJune 15th
Interests:My Wife and Kids and Video games
Biography:Yelling at my T.V when I lose!!!
Random Hero's Awards
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

This user has written 10+ published Xbox America news articles.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Gamertag Info
Gamertagrandem hero
Mottolooking for GB team..
Random Hero's Shoutbox
- 15 years ago

i love u random hero

TK Chillin - 16 years ago


iKidd - 16 years ago

yes sir..gotta love the C....P.....Rrrrrrrr...Stay Safe Buddy!

Random Hero - 16 years ago

Yes it is dead. It got burned on a grill.

- 16 years ago

That spider looks dead...

allproplayer84 - 16 years ago

i heart you

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

lol i would've run to

Random Hero - 17 years ago

?? What???

skyNET - 17 years ago

I <3 Random Hero. d:)

Random Hero - 17 years ago

This is called Kung fu Kittie!!

Random Hero - 17 years ago

Its a Cobra..Right outside our room. I have never seen more grown men run like little girls in my life!!(I was one of them)

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

ooh ok-is that one of those desert side winding snakes???

Random Hero - 17 years ago

Its from the movie Kids(really sic movie)

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

i dont get it?

Random Hero - 17 years ago

I have no legs(Kids quote)

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

hell i'd do the same thing if that spider was shasing me...someone should have shot it with a M4

Slim Pizza Boy - 17 years ago

That spider looks like it could KILL

Random Hero - 17 years ago

Yes, A camel Spider...Its but is Burned because someone freaked out when it chased him and flicked it on the grill here.

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

i sent it-is that one of those spiders they have in the middle east

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

k,i send it tonight or tomorrow-do you go to CSU?

Random Hero - 17 years ago

sure no prob

Lt Dough Boy - 17 years ago

is that Charleston Southern Bucks? is it ok if i send you a friend request since we are both in south carolina?

Random Hero - 17 years ago

I need a shot of burbon!

Random Hero - 17 years ago

i'm hungry

Greg - 18 years ago

what up man nice deal on VIVA

Random Hero - 18 years ago

Go Bucks!!