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Archived: Borderlands!
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/26/09 9:44 pm | #106
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
ok sir.

yeah god dammit! lol no more facebook games for you lol.
yea but......but......I'm a level 526 now..."and I can wipe my own ass!" 
Borderlands has my interests peaked though.....hmmmm, buy 2 get 1 free games at Best buy this week........
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/26/09 9:46 pm | #107
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
yeah god dammit! lol no more facebook games for you lol.
yea but......but......I'm a level 526 now..."and I can wipe my own ass!"

Borderlands has my interests peaked though.....hmmmm, buy 2 get 1 free games at Best buy this week........

WOW i think level 526 warrent's your account to be erased lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/26/09 9:49 pm | #108
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
yea but......but......I'm a level 526 now..."and I can wipe my own ass!"

Borderlands has my interests peaked though.....hmmmm, buy 2 get 1 free games at Best buy this week........

WOW i think level 526 warrent's your account to be erased lol
Omg!! Omg!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!
Re: Borderlands!
10/26/09 10:46 pm | #110
big shout out to aaron (TOO UNDEAD) and kreuger for helping me out a TON tonight.
wasn't even asking for it! just wanted to play for fun! lol
i cannot get enough of this game.
if i didn't have to work or sleep i'd still be playing. i can't put it down!
get on this, livewire. i'm not a huge co-op person but this game really takes the cake. there's absolutely no stress. it's just plain and simple fun. i haven't enjoyed a game this much since fallout 3... and this game is easily sneaking into my top 4 or 5 all time 360 games.
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 8:04 am | #111
Jeez I am hooked on this game. The only problem I have is picking a weapon to use. There are so many friggin awesome weapons to choose from. Right now I am a level 11 soldier.
I'm thinking my next run through I am going to play as the sniper. I am really digging some of the snipers I have been finding. I currently keep one equipped with my machine gun and pistol. I can't remember which it is but it uses fire rounds as well.
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 8:22 am | #112
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 10:31 am | #113
Is that a real pumpkin? If so, someone has a little to much time on their hands. But it is cool though.
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 12:14 pm | #114
I now have 5 Alien weapons (pistol, 2 sniper rifles, shotgun, and rocket launcher)
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 12:17 pm | #115
Very Addicting, I am at 25+ Hours, Damn game locked an achievement though... I've killed 557 people with Corrosive guns and it wont give me the " Face Melter" Achievement..... Going to try and get it on my next play through with a diff character when I play co-op with my friends....
Has anybody have any problems unlocking this?? I have the explosive and fire ach, but the damned corrosive one wont unlock..
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 7:38 pm | #116
no, maggot, so far i've had no problems with the achievements. i've heard TONS of people have had some issues though. for most issues people say starting a new character works well.
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Jeez I am hooked on this game. The only problem I have is picking a weapon to use. There are so many friggin awesome weapons to choose from. Right now I am a level 11 soldier.
I'm thinking my next run through I am going to play as the sniper. I am really digging some of the snipers I have been finding. I currently keep one equipped with my machine gun and pistol. I can't remember which it is but it uses fire rounds as well.
you might be talking about the cutter or whatever.
it was a great gun at first, and i used it for a long time, but now i stick with snipers and shotguns basically. i have a launcher equipped but my shotgun does more damage lol.
jen's playing as a sniper. she's doing quite well. i don't see a difference when it comes to selecting weapons though. seems like choosing a character is based more on the perks.
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 7:46 pm | #117
Yeah choosing a character is based on which special ability and skill tree you like best. The gun type that is recommended for each character is pure bologne, everyone is equally good with all weapons at level 1.
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 10:33 pm | #119
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Is that a real pumpkin? If so, someone has a little to much time on their hands. But it is cool though.
Yeah it's a real pumpkin. Fuckin crazy.
Re: Borderlands!
10/27/09 10:44 pm | #120
Just played this game for the first time today. It's pretty good! It's the best RPG game I've played in a while, i'll definitely be playing this game a lot
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